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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vgchartz Greatest User Tournament 2011 - Wildcard Round 2

10p - Miz1q2w3e
9p - NintendoGamer
8p - Radishhead
7p - JoelCool7
6p - Mr Khan
5p - ConeGamer
4p - Ethomaz
3p - SlimeBeast
2p - Jay520
1p - Barozi

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I'm happy that there is one final round here, because it gives me an opportunity to say something that I've been meaning to say for a little while. Please keep in mind that this isn't a vote-gaining speech, since I'm not actually looking to progress further in this competition, since I feel that there are many more worthy people that deserve your vote over me.
Firstly, a huge thank you all those that included me in their Top 10 lists, simply because it shows to me that in the hearts of at least a few members, I've made an impact - and I can guarantee you, that for every vote that you've placed on me, I wish that I could put 10x that in return; VGChartz isn't my only, or main, source of social interaction by any means, but since I joined I've become more attached to the members here, as I genuinely believe that this is the friendliest internet community that I've ever been a part of.
Many of you I haven't really been able to speak to during my time on the Chartz, and I'm regretful of that, but I'm going to try to become a more active and friendly member of the wider community on the site :)
Thanks again, good luck to the participants who are moving onto round 2 of this competition, and here's to a successful 2012, both for the site and for the future of the hobby that brings us all together in this brilliant community!

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

10p - Miz1q2w3e
9p - Conegamer
8p - Jay520
7p - Immortal
6p - Troll_Whisperer
5p - JoelCool
4p - Disolitude
3p - Radishhead
2p - Ajescent
1p - Sapphi_Snake

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan, not allowed to vote for yourself this round.


The relentless bolding is just one of the ways I can hurt the site. Don't let me use my full potential, VGChartz.

seriously, the fuck did I do?

Around the Network

@Jay... My advice would be to delete the content in your last post... if that doesn't fix it then I think we will be stuck like this till a new page, or one of the code admins (Is Talonman still here) fixes it.

radishhead said:

Thanks again, good luck to the participants who are moving onto round 2 of this competition, and here's to a successful 2012, both for the site and for the future of the hobby that brings us all together in this brilliant community!

You're a good poster Radish, and I can't speak for everyone, but you definitely bring quality posts and make the community a better place. So keep up the good work man.

I don't know about you guys, but for me nothing that isn't supposed to be bolded is bolded. It's still bolded on the last page though.

radishhead said:
I'm happy that there is one final round here, because it gives me an opportunity to say something that I've been meaning to say for a little while. Please keep in mind that this isn't a vote-gaining speech, since I'm not actually looking to progress further in this competition, since I feel that there are many more worthy people that deserve your vote over me.
Firstly, a huge thank you all those that included me in their Top 10 lists, simply because it shows to me that in the hearts of at least a few members, I've made an impact - and I can guarantee you, that for every vote that you've placed on me, I wish that I could put 10x that in return; VGChartz isn't my only, or main, source of social interaction by any means, but since I joined I've become more attached to the members here, as I genuinely believe that this is the friendliest internet community that I've ever been a part of.
Many of you I haven't really been able to speak to during my time on the Chartz, and I'm regretful of that, but I'm going to try to become a more active and friendly member of the wider community on the site :)
Thanks again, good luck to the participants who are moving onto round 2 of this competition, and here's to a successful 2012, both for the site and for the future of the hobby that brings us all together in this brilliant community!

Anyway, here goes:

10p - miz1q2w3e 9p - Barozi 4p - trunkswd

8p - radishhead

7p - theprof00

6p - non-gravity
1p -Jay520

5p - Mr Khan 3p - Slimebeast



Man Bear just make a list in future otherwise I won't count your votes.