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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GamrDebate: Is the Playstation Vita already doomed?


Is the Vita 'dead on arrival'?

Yes! 323 45.69%
No! 283 40.03%
See results. 100 14.14%

I doubt it. It's launching with an Uncharted game, which does well outside of Japan. You should also have a steady stream of JRPGs to pull it through in Japan. And I expect a lot of Sports and Racing titles, originals and ports, to do well on it. Add a niche market of people who want to play shooters like Call of Duty on the go, and we should see, if not the most successful system ever, at least a system that lives a full life, much like the original PSP.

Love and tolerate.

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I don't think Vita is doomed, but in a difficult position.

AstroMaSSi rules

thehusbo said:
It's not dead on arrival but if they don't start to advertise, like right now, then it could be a problem. I have not seen one tv advert or anything here in the Uk. Except for the hardcore gamers, most other people i know don't even know that the vita is. Not good enough..

This is the real issue. As I mentioned, the casual consumer is just going to see the Vita as another re-release of the PSP. After all, some of them have been drastically different (PSP Go...), so why wouldn't they? 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
blkfish92 said:
Conegamer said:
blkfish92 said:
Sparta! Doomed?! MAdness! I say! The Vita has plenty of hope, maybe a Super Bowl commercial??

My point is, though, that Sony so far doesn't seem to be willing to advertise the Vita. 

The Taco Bell thing they're doing is rather awesome I must admit, but I do agree with you a bit, they need to do something better.

I live in the UK, but it's nice to hear they're actually doing something. Seriously, I don't even know whether anywhere on the high street aside from the dedicated game shops are gonna stock the console. They haven't been taking pre-orders for it anyway.

Well that's buns.


pezus said:
Conegamer said:

Sony consoles in my eyes have always been famous for Japanese games (for example, Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy etc.). A lot of people I know, and people who post on forums feel the same. Not selling well in Japan could easily mean big titles like those previously mentioned not going to Vita, but to the 3DS. This would only give the 3DS more momentum in Japan, and so more and more games would move to the 3DS and away from the Vita accordingly. This has a big impact in Europe, where the people who buy Sony consoles for the JRPG's would move to the 3DS and bypass the Vita altogether. Not everyone wants Uncharted, and it's certainly not a system seller in the same way a Mario game would be, or a Final Fantasy. Or a Dragon Quest.

Uncharted will keep things alive for a while in the west. But, it won't have the legs and the longevity to keep the Vita afloat. And not as many people as you might think would pay £300 for a game which is similar to one they can play on the PS3. 

We could be patient. But the point of the thread is speculation. It will be good to see in a year or two who was right, and who was wrong. And launches are hardly representitive of how a console will do in the long run anyway...but after a couple of months, you sort of get an idea. 

I'm not sure what's making your head hurt though...I doubt it's this thread.

I can assure you that Europe is not huge for JRPGs. A small niche buys most of the JRPGs but sure, FF sells reasonably well in Europe but you know...Uncharted is much bigger than FF in Europe, DQ no contest. Yup, this might come as a surprise maybe but it's true.

It also feels like I'm reading the PS3 vs. Wii in Japan arguments all over again. Wii sold MUCH more early on but where did most of the big Japanese 3rd party games go?

You also forget FIFA is coming out soon for the Vita, arguably one of the biggest system sellers on Sony consoles in Europe.

The thing is, the crowd would would buy (or who know about) Vita are of that small group of which you were talking about. I doubt people will pay around £300 just to play FIFA, a game which would likely be much better on home consoles. They would buy it for those Japanese exclusives I mentioned.

@blkfish92- Pretty much.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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All conjecture based on unseen sales performance, but it is concerning because a forced $50 price cut to stay competitive and ensure third-parties will develop for it means huge losses, which Sony need like a hole in the head at the moment.

All comes down to price. Look at the PS3 and other devices that were pricey in their first year.

The 3DS did very well after cut.

It's just that simple.

Euphoria14 said:

At least NIS is enjoying the nice PSV sales for Disgaea 3, so it isn't doom and gloom for everyone.

Vita is also launching during tax return season in the US. For example I just did mine today and I will get the money deposited into my account on Feb. 21st. Lots of impulse buys around this time. Well, for me anyways.

Haha it's like we're the same person!
How do you know when you get your return??

Well, I do think it is having an identity issue, which is something that the 3DS also had when it first released (people just thought it was an new form of DS). If Sony can get the word out there that the Vita is much more than a PSP, it will certainly help its sales a lot.

Many are forgetting something important with their japan 3DS/Vita comparison. Sony are still selling PSPs there. DS could have gotten a good christmas this year if it aint for the 3DS getting the DS sales. Dont misunderstand me, 3DS is successful, im just placing things in perspective. Vita is far from DOA, unless DOA means delusional on arrival :P.