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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Hardware/Software Dec 24th up

Ps3 down 40k last week
360 up 10k last week

3ds almost 2M, ridiculous
Some good numbers for the PS3 outside of Americas

Surprised the 360 didn´t outsold the PS3 by 400k, considering previous weeks

I am anxious to see software.

Around the Network
drkohler said:
Salnax said:

Congrats to everything else but the Vita.

So that "Vita sold out in Hong Kong" is a rumour because zero sold according to the table?

Wait, Hong Kong opening numbers are included in there? That does not inspire confidence in the Vita's early life.

It'll probably do well in the long run, but in the short run, I was expecting better.

Love and tolerate.

man-bear-pig said:
Surprisingly low uk skyrim sales...

back to normal(ish) price now.

Salnax said:
drkohler said:
Salnax said:

Congrats to everything else but the Vita.

So that "Vita sold out in Hong Kong" is a rumour because zero sold according to the table?

Wait, Hong Kong opening numbers are included in there? That does not inspire confidence in the Vita's early life.

It'll probably do well in the long run, but in the short run, I was expecting better.

I believe he is saying that he thinks VGChartz numbers indicate that they did not include any of the sales from Hong Kong.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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How can Vita be at 74k? It was released in Taiwan and Hong Kong and outsold in HK!

Around the Network

outstanding sales for the nintendo 3ds,the 360 and wii did great as well over a million again in this week's numbers. the ps3 almost a million is still great as well. everything overall did well , except for the vita which i hope picks up but most likely will have too wait awhile until the must have games are released.





The 3D remake of Ocarina of time is kicking Skyward Sword, very disappointing.

Surprised by the modest increase in sales from Dec 17th for the 360 in USA. With every major retailer in the USA with $100 gift cards for the 360 and an extra day of sales compared to last year I am surprised. Not to mention the PS3 had very little in regards to special deals this week in USA and sales jumped 9% compared to 360 5%.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

So whats the final gap? Between the 360 and Ps3...


Euphoria14 said:
Salnax said:
drkohler said:
Salnax said:

Congrats to everything else but the Vita.

So that "Vita sold out in Hong Kong" is a rumour because zero sold according to the table?

Wait, Hong Kong opening numbers are included in there? That does not inspire confidence in the Vita's early life.

It'll probably do well in the long run, but in the short run, I was expecting better.

I believe he is saying that he thinks VGChartz numbers indicate that they did not include any of the sales from Hong Kong.

Definitely cannot include HK and Tawain numbers.  I'm guessing this one of the areas VGC doesn't have much data for, so they forgot it even launced there.