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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U vs PS4 vs Xbox One FULL SPECS (January 24, 2014)

superchunk said:
UncleScrooge said:
I like this thread, thanks Superchunk

As for the rumored specs: They're pretty much in line with what I expect: 6 core CPU's for Microsoft and Sony consoles and Nintendo going with 4. Here's hope Sony and Microsoft will put more than 2GB of Ram into their consoles. Ram has really been a bottleneck this generation and the prices are incredibly cheap right now. It would also allow for more multitasking features. This generation definitely overshot the market at first (specs wise) but I am willing to pay $400 for a powerful new console.

One question for those who are more into this: Do you think Nintendo can keep the relatively small size of the Wii U console if they put a quad core in there? It's bigger than a Wii but most of the space will still be taken by the disc drive. I remember when rumors about the Wii said it was going to have a 2Ghz dual core CPU and no one even considered how tiny this thing was.

Yes, Nintendo will definitely be able to put the hardware I have in my OP in a device based on the sizes found on their WiiU E3 page. (Its relatively same thickness and width... but its a lot longer)

Keep in mind there are phones and tablets coming out in a month with quad-core CPUs as well as many existing laptops. Then consider that IBM/AMD and Nintendo will heavily optimize the solution for lowest heat and size factors based on the cost and casing they want to produce.

Those CPUs will be scaled back versions though and chips in Phones are Arm based which tend to generate less heat. Consoles typically have pretty powerful chips at the time of their release.

Having said that the CPU probably won't be a problem considerring how Intel have managed energy requirements and heat on even the more powerful of the the i3-i7 chips. I still can't believe how small the stock coolers are on these chips. With the GPU being a fairly old architecture (and assuming current die shrinkages) a clever air cooling solution would still be doable... so actually thinking about... I agree

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Pavolink said:

PlayStation Morte for 2014 then?

and "Morte" means?

i think i know but i might get banned again if i say the word


at gaf they are talking about WiiU having 2Gigs of ram but if it is DDR3 or 5 is unknown or if it is the faster ram Nintendo usually uses in their systems

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Netyaroze said:
Scoobes said:
Soleron said:

PS4 is AMD CPU+GPU. Charlie is completely certain on this but I guess it is still a rumour site.

I did wonder if one of the console manufacturers were going down the Fusion route (although it sounds like they'll keep them seperate at first). It just seems to make sense for a console. Should keep PC developers happy too as they'll have their X86 architecture and perhaps lead to better optimised PC games on Bulldozer/Piledriver based systems.

I'm also a bit surprised though. I thought X86 had certain bottlenecks which is why the console devs generally stayed away.

X86 is not a good choice also you get way more bang for your buck in a Power 7 . I am pretty sure they wont use x86 cant see the advantage here.

All CPUs look pretty much the same internally regardless of instruction set because of decoding into micro-ops. They will be pretty similar in performance all else being equal, if anything AMD will be faster because they still cater to the mobile market (console TDP range) where IBM left a long time ago to focus on high end servers for Power.

The advantage of x86 is the ease of porting from and to the PC version.

superchunk said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
superchunk said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
i really don't think we will get PS4 in 2013, plus i don't think it will be called PS4 (which I'm gutted about)

Is WiiU coming out in 2012? yes.

Is there enough evidence about neXtBox specs, codename, dev kit finalization, etc to confidently think its coming out by end of 2013 at the latest? yes.

Has Sony done or stated anything that shows they won't allow MS to have such a big head start as this gen? YES

Has there been multiple rumors showing Sony is deep into PS4 development? Yes, including R&D increases.

Has there been numerous demos from pretty much every major 3rd party of next-gen tool sets? yes and/or they generally use the ones already demoed.

If those questions don't push you to have a majority opinion that PS4 is coming by end of 2013 then add that with this....

There is NO way Sony is going to let Nintendo have more than a year head start and definitely not let MS have much if any head start.

Now, had Nintendo not pushed the next gen last year with the WiiU, then yes its very probably no PS4 in 2013. But, Nintendo's announcement forced the others to plan for a holiday 2013 release at the latest. Regardless of anyone's fanboyish interpretation of MS/Sony vs Nintendo, they are all direct competitors and in this type of market they won't let each other have much, if any, advantage for too long.

WiiU launches Holiday 2012. PS4 IF it does launch will be Holiday 2013 and if we look at past launched probably only in Japan. 

yes very true, that why i dont believe your interpretation of release.

:/   So what you're saying is you agree with me but you don't agree with me? I don't get it.

tbh i dont even know anymore, im too tired lol

lets start again..

nide thread idea! cant wait too see how it evolves as more inforamtion comes in :D

I figured Nintendo would have been more likely to go the Fusion route before any announcements were made. I figured Sony would be least likely to go that route. Interesting.

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superchunk said:
Man, I can't wait for E3 so I can seriously update this table and really get some discussion going.

You think they'll reveal at E3? I mean I hope so aswell, but I dunno man, I doubt it'll happen.

haven't seen any rumors about 720 getting Blu-Ray. I have see rumors it won't have physical media at all though...

VGKing said:
haven't seen any rumors about 720 getting Blu-Ray. I have see rumors it won't have physical media at all though...

THe bluray addition was really just me using expected logic. I fully expect MS to put the most current standard media drive, however, the logic behind them leaving it out all toghether does have some weight... I'll have to update the OP with that possibility.

I really don't know where everyone is getting that X720 will have 6 cores and running 3.7 GHz per core. For that matter I can't seem to find a DEFINITE source for the amount of total memory (let alone amt of eDRAM) for each system. The only sources I could find most definitely is that the Wii U is packing a modified POWER7 CPU similar to the Watson, and using a RADEON HD based RV770 GPU. source: and . The latest development kit has the Wii U running with at least 1GB of unspecified RAM but that still doesn't give any information on the final number until a tear down occurs or an official release of specs. Please post official sources for the amt of RAM, CPU speeds, Cores (thought the POWER7 has a minimum of 4 cores so Wii U could have at least that much) the systems are suppose to get. Otherwise this thread sounds like a child's wish list for the upcoming systems (my opinion) than a legitimate checklist of confirmed/authentic information. Thanks.

superchunk said:
VGKing said:
haven't seen any rumors about 720 getting Blu-Ray. I have see rumors it won't have physical media at all though...

THe bluray addition was really just me using expected logic. I fully expect MS to put the most current standard media drive, however, the logic behind them leaving it out all toghether does have some weight... I'll have to update the OP with that possibility.

The rumor behind them dropping optical discs was worded in such a way that it sounded like Microsoft might use SD cards to deliver games on, so it wouldn't necessarily be a DD-only console.