I really don't know where everyone is getting that X720 will have 6 cores and running 3.7 GHz per core. For that matter I can't seem to find a DEFINITE source for the amount of total memory (let alone amt of eDRAM) for each system. The only sources I could find most definitely is that the Wii U is packing a modified POWER7 CPU similar to the Watson, and using a RADEON HD based RV770 GPU. source: http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/07/ibm-puts-watsons-brains-in-nintendo-wii-u/ and http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/14/wii-u-has-last-gen-radeon-inside-still-more-powerful-than-ps3-a/ . The latest development kit has the Wii U running with at least 1GB of unspecified RAM but that still doesn't give any information on the final number until a tear down occurs or an official release of specs. Please post official sources for the amt of RAM, CPU speeds, Cores (thought the POWER7 has a minimum of 4 cores so Wii U could have at least that much) the systems are suppose to get. Otherwise this thread sounds like a child's wish list for the upcoming systems (my opinion) than a legitimate checklist of confirmed/authentic information. Thanks.