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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Online is lacking

Kasz216 said:

If there isn't a stock battle option I won't go near it... or likely Brawl at all in that case. Stock Battle matches involve more skill if you ask me.

Actually it's the other way around IMO.

The winner of a stock match could have won by sitting on one side of the field and killing the last person left.  I've seen a lot of people try that.  Sometimes it worked to a degree though I was usually able to rectify that.

Meanwhile, timed matches are more hectic and furious for two reasons.  First, everyone is always around.  It doesn't suddenly get less hectic toward the end of the match.  Second, everyone is actually actively trying their hardest to get kills because that's what wins.  It's a matter killing the other people, not surviving to the end.

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Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:

If there isn't a stock battle option I won't go near it... or likely Brawl at all in that case. Stock Battle matches involve more skill if you ask me.

Actually it's the other way around IMO.

The winner of a stock match could have won by sitting on one side of the field and killing the last person left. I've seen a lot of people try that. Sometimes it worked to a degree though I was usually able to rectify that.

Meanwhile, timed matches are more hectic and furious for two reasons. First, everyone is always around. It doesn't suddenly get less hectic toward the end of the match. Second, everyone is actually actively trying their hardest to get kills because that's what wins. It's a matter killing the other people, not surviving to the end.

Actually, I think both have their flaws. When I play against people in Timed matches (locally, SSBM) and I feel cheap, I just knock em out once and then run around until time runs out. If it's more than two people, though, it's a different story.

Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:

If there isn't a stock battle option I won't go near it... or likely Brawl at all in that case. Stock Battle matches involve more skill if you ask me.

Actually it's the other way around IMO.

The winner of a stock match could have won by sitting on one side of the field and killing the last person left. I've seen a lot of people try that. Sometimes it worked to a degree though I was usually able to rectify that.

Meanwhile, timed matches are more hectic and furious for two reasons. First, everyone is always around. It doesn't suddenly get less hectic toward the end of the match. Second, everyone is actually actively trying their hardest to get kills because that's what wins. It's a matter killing the other people, not surviving to the end.

 BOTH are good ways of measuring skills, you could make arguments for either side.  I almost always play stock matches, because
A) we don't like too much tension, it makes it less fun,
B) it allows for more strategy, aka, picking who you want to kill or leave for the end to duel,
C) it widdles the match down to 2 people, which for some reason is always more satisfying for us when a winner is declared.  It means they survived through the battle and therefore had the most skill.   Someone could be lame and sit out through the first 2 eliminations, but they're not going to win the game unless their opponent has been severely maimed by the first 2 guys.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

KruzeS said:
twesterm said:

That's why you think it's lacking? Really? I'm sorry, but that is pretty pathetic. If you can give me one significant reason how that actually affects gameplay I'll believe (hint-- not being able to show off your e-penis isn't a good reason).

It affects gameplay in that, without at least an invisible rank, you can't try to pitch players of similar aptitude against each other. Unfortunately for me, Mario Strikers tried doing that, and you still had smart asses creating random accounts left and right just for the pleasure of owning noobs (i.e., me). Obviously having ranks has other problems (such as disconnects), but that was supposedly solved by letting the computer take over mid game.

 I'm not saying this is what they're doing, but you know that they do control servers, what gets sent to those servers, and what gets sent back correct?  By knowing that, you can send them who you are, they can record that, record who wins and loses, and then just not send that information back.  If they do that then they can have their own matchmaking running in the background.

Like I said, this isn't what I'm saying they're doing, but your goal is to make everything  anonymous and you want to make everything as fair as possible, this is the simplest and best solution.  They're putting a lot of thought into this game and it's silly to think that they're just forgetting something so simple or overlooking something because they don't want to deal with it.

SSBB Online lacking?

Dude, it is a Nintendo game. We should be thankful we can actually have online matches. Remember the GameCube? Two online games, five if you had the right mods. Dark times.

At least we have a good number of online games for the Wii. But did you expect anything really fancy for SSBB? It has the basics: leaderboards, online co-op (I think), online multiplayer deathmatches.

Isn't that enough?

I really don't want to listen to a whiny 13 year old talk about how much better he is then me then say I cheat when I kick his prepubescent ass.

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twesterm said:

I'm not saying this is what they're doing, but you know that they do control servers, what gets sent to those servers, and what gets sent back correct?  By knowing that, you can send them who you are, they can record that, record who wins and loses, and then just not send that information back.  If they do that then they can have their own matchmaking running in the background.

Like I said, this isn't what I'm saying they're doing, but your goal is to make everything  anonymous and you want to make everything as fair as possible, this is the simplest and best solution.  They're putting a lot of thought into this game and it's silly to think that they're just forgetting something so simple or overlooking something because they don't want to deal with it.

Hey, don't get me wrong. I sure hope you're right. The thing that I most hate about online play is the assholes I get to play with. Making it anonymous, making it fair, but still making "human" is the way to go, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm all for messaging, taunting, even voice chatting, but with friends. Everything that allows you to better connect with people you already know is definitely great. For a random match though, I'd much rather just play a more human AI, than anything else.

Reality has a Nintendo bias.
Snesboy said: Isn't that enough?

Dude... have you even read the thread? This discussion is about it not having leader boards.

Reality has a Nintendo bias.
zackblue said:
It would have been much better with scores and rankings. Now whats the point of playing online?

Wow you go online to look at your rank? Anyway I'm glad it's this way, I'm tired of ranked games whete everyone just disconnects if they think their gonna lose. I do wish it would tell us if somebody disconnected, instead of slipping in a CPU replacement. Nice touch, but I would rather search for another opponent.

True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.

"Unless people make a false account to pump up their friends rankings and vice versa. Which is a problem with granting wins vs players who disconnect in the first place. Not to mention, hopefully there will be different types of games online in the firstplace."

Well, how about registering people who disconnect as a loss but his/her opponent gets neither a win or loss?

 I am sure there are other ways to deter people from doing that.

Some of you don't care for leaderboards (which I didn't even mention in the original post), or having the online setup that which I proposed. That's fine. But I am sure a lot of other people would love it. For those who don't care for it, Nintendo should allow an option for those who want to fight random people and rankings to not be recorded.

Personally, I am very disappointed. Hopefully Nintendo does something about it.