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Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:

If there isn't a stock battle option I won't go near it... or likely Brawl at all in that case. Stock Battle matches involve more skill if you ask me.

Actually it's the other way around IMO.

The winner of a stock match could have won by sitting on one side of the field and killing the last person left. I've seen a lot of people try that. Sometimes it worked to a degree though I was usually able to rectify that.

Meanwhile, timed matches are more hectic and furious for two reasons. First, everyone is always around. It doesn't suddenly get less hectic toward the end of the match. Second, everyone is actually actively trying their hardest to get kills because that's what wins. It's a matter killing the other people, not surviving to the end.

 BOTH are good ways of measuring skills, you could make arguments for either side.  I almost always play stock matches, because
A) we don't like too much tension, it makes it less fun,
B) it allows for more strategy, aka, picking who you want to kill or leave for the end to duel,
C) it widdles the match down to 2 people, which for some reason is always more satisfying for us when a winner is declared.  It means they survived through the battle and therefore had the most skill.   Someone could be lame and sit out through the first 2 eliminations, but they're not going to win the game unless their opponent has been severely maimed by the first 2 guys.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )