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KruzeS said:
twesterm said:

That's why you think it's lacking? Really? I'm sorry, but that is pretty pathetic. If you can give me one significant reason how that actually affects gameplay I'll believe (hint-- not being able to show off your e-penis isn't a good reason).

It affects gameplay in that, without at least an invisible rank, you can't try to pitch players of similar aptitude against each other. Unfortunately for me, Mario Strikers tried doing that, and you still had smart asses creating random accounts left and right just for the pleasure of owning noobs (i.e., me). Obviously having ranks has other problems (such as disconnects), but that was supposedly solved by letting the computer take over mid game.

 I'm not saying this is what they're doing, but you know that they do control servers, what gets sent to those servers, and what gets sent back correct?  By knowing that, you can send them who you are, they can record that, record who wins and loses, and then just not send that information back.  If they do that then they can have their own matchmaking running in the background.

Like I said, this isn't what I'm saying they're doing, but your goal is to make everything  anonymous and you want to make everything as fair as possible, this is the simplest and best solution.  They're putting a lot of thought into this game and it's silly to think that they're just forgetting something so simple or overlooking something because they don't want to deal with it.