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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GamrTalk Ep. 1- RolStoppable!!! (FULLY UPDATED!)

NiKKoM said:

so who's gonna tell conegamer that for the last hour he didn't even get the shows name right in the thread title? gamtalk.. lol..

I told him to edit that in a PM sent about 40 minutes ago

but he's edited it now so it all ok

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That was just terrible ...

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

yikes guys :D cut the guy some slack geez it's the first thread after all, some of you are a bit too dramatic about's just for fun, being a bit encouraging won't be a bad thing

good start dude, maybe ask some heated questions like, future of media distribution, is DL only the way to go, handhelds, iphone/phones vs gaming in general, WiiU etc...just a suggestion

anywho like I said, good read and keep coming ;)

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Seece said:

LMAO, my god you're so useless at this it's just laughable. You shouldn't be doing this, it's all just one big ego boost to try and get some e-peen on this site. What a joke.

Darth seriously, if you want this to take off again ditch conegamer and be a bit more professional about it, this just screams amateur to me.

How do you get away with all the abuse you give to conegamer


M.U.G.E.N said:
yikes guys :D cut the guy some slack geez it's the first thread after all, some of you are a bit too dramatic about's just for fun, being a bit encouraging won't be a bad thing

good start dude, maybe ask some heated questions like, future of media distribution, is DL only the way to go, handhelds, iphone/phones vs gaming in general, WiiU etc...just a suggestion

anywho like I said, good read and keep coming ;)

At last, some encouragement! Thank you! I'll pass these suggestions on to Rol, this time, nothing will happen to them


@Carl- Dunno. You get used to it


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Conegamer said:
Pyro as Bill said:
The first one is Okami, what's my prize?

You've still got some wrong...2 or 3 I think. 

Your prize? Some points. Person with the most points after a few threads get a DLC game of their choice from either WiiWare, PSN network, Steam (I can't do Steam, ATM. So maybe not) and 3DS/DSiWare. 


Also, Darth has put forward his thread, so go there too! It's a damn good argument, and these people spent a long time doing this. It'd be a shame if they had no reward.

Okami, some pokemon, luigi, cole phelps, marry o, andross from starfox/starwing.

The debate is pointless because the initial question is stupid. So no it wouldn't be a shame if they didn't get a reward, it would be a shame if I didn't get a reward because I'm the only one playing this competition.

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darthdevidem01 said:
NiKKoM said:

so who's gonna tell conegamer that for the last hour he didn't even get the shows name right in the thread title? gamtalk.. lol..

I told him to edit that in a PM sent about 40 minutes ago

but he's edited it now so it all ok

I did edit it. But I was in a rush at that time so I missed out the r. It happens, guys! Shocker!


I mean, I can remember plenty of other typos in thread titles, many more...embarrasing


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Pyro as Bill said:
Conegamer said:
Pyro as Bill said:
The first one is Okami, what's my prize?

You've still got some wrong...2 or 3 I think. 

Your prize? Some points. Person with the most points after a few threads get a DLC game of their choice from either WiiWare, PSN network, Steam (I can't do Steam, ATM. So maybe not) and 3DS/DSiWare. 


Also, Darth has put forward his thread, so go there too! It's a damn good argument, and these people spent a long time doing this. It'd be a shame if they had no reward.

Okami, some pokemon, luigi, cole phelps, marry o, andross from starfox/starwing.

The debate is pointless because the initial question is stupid. So no it wouldn't be a shame if they didn't get a reward, it would be a shame if I didn't get a reward because I'm the only one playing this competition.

Actually, other people are playing, but they're sending me a PM

And have you actually read the debate? Good points are raised there, very good.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Carl2291 said:
Seece said:

LMAO, my god you're so useless at this it's just laughable. You shouldn't be doing this, it's all just one big ego boost to try and get some e-peen on this site. What a joke.

Darth seriously, if you want this to take off again ditch conegamer and be a bit more professional about it, this just screams amateur to me.

How do you get away with all the abuse you give to conegamer

Just cos I've learnt the art of dodging and you get banned by every mod and their mother

Seriously though I have mods check my posts before I post.


Cole Phelps