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Forums - Sales Discussion - Shadows of the damned sales. Ouch!

I don't really care for Suda weird games.

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Suda belongs with Nintendo :) :P

Well you dont seem to understand that Game doesnt sell, Maketing sell game, your game can be a moderate, can be like a 5 or 6 of a game, but with big maketing Like microsoft do with halo or activision with with COD

He would sell really really well.

when microft spend 500 million in marketing they now it will work.

And its sickening me that people for for it.

*Nintendo console Wii don't sell third-parties games comment*


Nintendo--> Sony/MS
Wii--> PS3/X360

*Waiting for 'WTH happen thread' on hot topics*

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

This game is easily the game of the year for me. It was so good and I enjoyed it so much... I hadn't enjoyed a game this much in a very long time.
I really liked the characters, the funny jokes :P, I loved those short stories you read in books and the funny comments Garcia or Johnson make while reading them :P.
The game was kind of easy on Legion Hunter... but the gameplay was very good and enjoyable anyways. The weapons and the upgrades are so cool that the game invites you to switch them all the time and play the game differently. I noticed I unlocked a new mode harder than Legion Hunter after finishing the game... so I'll play it after getting the rest of the trophies I missed.

Also, Akira Yamaoka did an excellent job with the soundtrack, I really liked it... lots of tracks reminded me of Silent Hill games for obvious reasons. It was a great addition to the game, it created a very good atmosphere.

I liked the "minigames" like the 2D shooting section, the Big Boner section, the Pachinko and the bowling. Those parts sort of reminded me of God Hand's mini games for some reason even though they were totally different :P like when you have to hit the cannon balls by pressing the right key or shooting the ships. It was pretty cool and it added some variety to the game.

I laughed at the sounds Paula makes while she chases you, haha xD I remember when Johnson tells you your girl "has gone mental" and Garcia says she isn't crazy, just temporarily confused, lol... I don't remember the exact quote.

The game had a pretty good length for the kind of game it is... I clocked around 9 hours and 33 minutes and I enjoyed every second of it :P

The nudity was used in a mature way and it wasn't used just for the sake of it. There aren't many games that do that. I liked that.

I think there could be a sequel... I'm looking forward to it as long as the same people that made this game work on it.

The only thing I didn't like was that the only thing you can unlock is that harder mode... and the copy protected save files >_>

I really don't understand why people dislike this game and like stuff like CoD, fallout, etc. This game deserves the sales those games get :P

I think the only reason why this didn't sell is because there was no advertisement for this game. I remember there was a thread in neogaf about this game and everyone was like "what? this was released last week?" or stuff like that...
They wanted to work with EA as partners because they wanted the kind of big advertisement their games get in the west... but they didn't get anything xD The same goes for Alice Madness Returns, hardly any advertisement... I think no one should partner up with EA as publishers anymore, lol.

I think this is the thread:

It's very strange that most people here in VGChartz say this game is bad, while most people in NeoGaf say it's very good.

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P

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DarkCronos said:

i just remember that back in the day the game was way more talked and way more popular among nintendo fans than among sony fans. i believe that was because killer7 started as GC-exclusive and then was announced on ps2 too. and also because maybe on GC, due to the lack of games, killer7 was threated as a "big" release, while on ps2 it was just one of many titles. there was also some sort of negative buzz around the ps2 version, due to longer loading times and less responsive controls. i don't have any specifid data, just my memories from those days...


BTW you should get both NMH. 2 is an improvement over the original in graphics and gameplay but it lacks the distinctive feeling of a suda51 game, the randomness, the originality... it's a better game overall but a worse suda51 game. that's why it got better review and why people prefeare the first.

I had GC n from my experience it wasnt that popular on that system either. I will get NMH2, just too much on my plate

melbye said:
And while we are at it NMH on PS3 in the EMEAA regions has sold 6729 copies since launch May 20th. Not impressive especially since the Wii-haters said it would sell better on their consoles

but it's a late port thogh and PS3 has too many good games to choose from. Original core games like Vanquish and Shadow of the Damned on PS360 would sell much better than NMH and Madworld on Wii.

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.

A Suda game underperforming? Didn't see that coming...

saicho said:
melbye said:
And while we are at it NMH on PS3 in the EMEAA regions has sold 6729 copies since launch May 20th. Not impressive especially since the Wii-haters said it would sell better on their consoles

but it's a late port thogh and PS3 has too many good games to choose from. Original core games like Vanquish and Shadow of the Damned on PS360 would sell much better than NMH and Madworld on Wii.

If you look my second post in this thread i show that NMH on Wii sold twice the amounts of SOTD in the same amount of time. As for Madworld it also sold signifgantly more than SOTD in it's first two weeks.

menx64 said:

 Yes, I am aware Suda said that, but travis is just the best new character of the gen... (IMO)  We need more travis!!!

As a I watched everything there was about this game in Gametrailers I thought about how much I wanted to try this game out and how lame the main character design was.