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Forums - Sales Discussion - Shadows of the damned sales. Ouch!

The game looks pretty awful.  Like a poor man's RE4 with terrible humor.  Sold about what it deserved.

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Mad55 said:
DarkCronos said:
that's what you get for kicking your audience in the balls... up until now suda's game were always on nintendo's platforms... i would loved to buy SOTD... but it's not on my console...

what he has made games for other consoles before this.

sure, but earlier suda games never found their way to a western release. the only exception i can think is killer7 which as far as i know was way more popular on gamecube than on ps2. suda's name got big (well, "big" is a big word, lol) in the west on nintendo's platforms.


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Vindication is fun, though Suda does deserve more than this

The stupid part was that this is the game that he ignored NMH2 (he relegated director duties to some other) to help develop, so i'm wondering if NMH2's shortcomings were for the sake of this game

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

scottie said:
It's because it was released on the PS360. Everyone knows games like this would sell better on the Wii, look at no More Heroes for example.

Yes, that's right, people who said the opposite about NMH, that is what you sound like...

Yes bad games would sell better on Wii =p.


Well, it is now evident that this game will become a cult classic. Few sales, but the ones who bought it loved it to death. It's my case. It is not mainstream by any means, that is the biggest problem, I think. I am a big fan of Metro 2033. The sales were not great (around 320 000). Not a lot of people gave it a try because it has no multiplayer and it takes some time to get the hang of it. But great atmosphere and story. It is my favourite FPS. Way above anything else that supposed to be better according to critics. I guess I have some weird tastes concerning games. I can live with that. Hey! One of my best game of all time is Deadly Premonition.

Proud owner and supporter of the YAKUZA games!

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pots555 said:
Well, it is now evident that this game will become a cult classic. Few sales, but the ones who bought it loved it to death. It's my case. It is not mainstream by any means, that is the biggest problem, I think. I am a big fan of Metro 2033. The sales were not great (around 320 000). Not a lot of people gave it a try because it has no multiplayer and it takes some time to get the hang of it. But great atmosphere and story. It is my favourite FPS. Way above anything else that supposed to be better according to critics. I guess I have some weird tastes concerning games. I can live with that. Hey! One of my best game of all time is Deadly Premonition.

Well Metro 2033 was an okay game if they can fix the flaws and come up with a nice multiplayer and maybe Co-Op they can turn the next game into a great game;.  Deadly Premonition is way to broken to enjoy it for me;


absolutely awesome game! just finished it a couple days ago, easily gets my vote for game of the year, no question!

Well, Lostplanet22, I hope that the multiplayer aspect of the sequel to Metro 2033 does not take away from the amazing single player experience they created with the first one. I kind of like the rough edges of the game. It makes it feel more immersive for me. As for Deadly Premonition, if you can overlook it's many, many flaws, their is an awesome story supported by some of the best characters I have seen in a game.

Proud owner and supporter of the YAKUZA games!

I need to be a asshole and gloat some more. In it's first two weeks No More Heroes on Wii sold 104920 while number 2 sold less impressive 66265. but it is still more than Shadow of the Damned

I was considering buying it when I read about it when it was first announced...then I saw the trailer and heard that annoying guys voice LOL.