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Forums - General Discussion - Why are all the good women taken?

Dude!! hold on for nine more years and then you have a nice old movie to guide you through the dating process on the same circumstances, the movie star is the good and old Steve Carell, you may find wisdom by watching it.

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PearlJam said:
Hey Diablo, look at the advice I posted. And then think about your comment where all the assholes and douche-bags get all the girls. Follow my advice, trust me. You may not want to be a prick, but you definitely don't want to be a nice guy. Nice guys finish last.

Take it from me, I'm a pussy (you are what you eat) but I never let a girl know that. Girls want a challenge and what they can't have. I don't know why, but they love playing games.

Chicks are at the very least 20% crazy.


Most of this involves self-confidence. Chicks dig confident guys.

The worst thing you can do is wallow around in self-pity whilst complaining to a bunch of random forum-goers. And honestly, you're not ugly. It may be because bullies back in the day got it into your head, but if you believe it it won't do you any good. Just get out there!

Here's a quick tip to boost your ego: workout.

Seriously, it works for anybody. Running/hitting the gym works. Once you start seeing progress you like (losing weight, gaining muscles, whatever) you will be more happy with yourself. You're gonna be a bit more confident and maybe gain a bit of an ego, which in reality isn't all that bad. And if you're already doing it, then freakin' go out there and meet people.

And working out did work for me. I was damn pleased with how I looked, and I became an egotistical maniac. It was so awesome, n' shit.

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

To all of those who are having trouble with girls here, there are a few things you should know.

1) There is a girl for you out there, and unless you've lost your face in some freak accident, there is more than one. But you have to believe it, or you will never find one of these girls.

2) You need a healthy relation to yourself. Not just between your hand of choice and your junk, but love yourself, be happy about the person you are and have respect for yourself. If you don't care for yourself, then how can you expect others to?

3) Be yourself and don't settle for someone who isn't good enough. If you're just after a bit of fun, then this doesn't matter as much, but you don't want to start a relationship on something that isn't real. Don't change who you are for a girl and don't settle for a girl you're not happy with. If you're not happy in the relationship, then you deserve better.

4) Women can be really confusing, but in the end, what they want is a real man. A man who stands by them, supports them and makes them feel safe and happy. Don't be someone that can be manipulated, stand up for yourself.

5) "Good guys always finish last.". False! Women can be every bit as confused as they are confusing, and upon seeing a 'bad guy' who seems strong, independant and confident, they may mistake these attributes for the things I described in #4. But the truth is that these guys are most likely just jerks, and they won't make her happy. Don't let the 'bad boys' get you down.

Now, if you're still following and you're serious about a relationship there are a few other things to know.

1) Relationships can be really, really hard work. It requires effort from both of you, and you have to be willing to compromise. If you've found the right girl, it will all be worth it though, but don't go into a relationship thinking everything will be sunshine and flowers all the way through.

2) Make sure you still get your space. If you're living in a small apartment, being with the same person 24/7 is going to drive you both nuts, and there's nothing wrong with wanting some time away from eachother. That's normal, it doesn't mean you care any less for the other person then you think you do.

3) Don't rush into things. Take things at a pace you're comfortable with, and if it's moving too fast, then slow it down.

4) Communication is vital. If something is wrong in your relationship, you're mad at her or whatever, talk about it! If you let it slip and sit in the background, it's only going to get worse, and all of a sudden, all the small bad things you've let slip will have you so angry at eachother that you won't even know what happened.

Just ask if you want to know more, and I'll try to answer as best as I can.

manuel said:
But with love you can work as much as you want, it happens when it happens. Love is a bit different that achieving goals with your career or something.
Of course you can go out and meet a lot of women, but you certainly can't force it.
That's just my experience though. It may be different for others.

No, it's not, love is a bunch of chemicals running through as body that make us feel good, there's nothing magical or supernatural about it.

Being "in love" with a person is being aplatonically and sexually attracted to that person, nothing more, nothing less.

Bet with Dr.A.Peter.Nintendo that Super Mario Galaxy 2 won't sell 15 million copies up to six months after it's release, the winner will get Avatar control for a week and signature control for a month.

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Two things are the heaviest keys in my eyes - confidence and things to talk about.

Confidence has already been explained, but without the latter, I simply don't see something that'll bind you.
Whenever you meet women, stick to the one the conversation is easy and fun. You'll enjoy it, and she will too. Women love to talk - a lot, and this stuff is likely to be the foundation of any relationship.

i can never see this facebook pic of yours as i'm not on facebook,i really hope you find someone soon and we can rejoice on vgc,it always makes me sad your story,have you really not had a relationship/dated normally or did i read that wrong,

you are not alone as this happens to lots of men,we get stuck out on the fringe unfortunately,it is different when you get over 30,not the same advice for when you are at schools/college,you obviously don't meet women through work which would be the modern way to meet women as a community way of life dwindles in the west

honestly i know how you feel,do you have trouble meeting women period or just can't date women you meet because i'd say they are 2 different issues,i saw the fattest man in the world get married on telly and he can't even stand up and murderer's doing life get in relationships/married

my point is you have to be in a community/work/club/church/nlghtschool whatever it takes,i don't know many women who like loners or how you'd meet one who does,you might have to meet new friends and become part of a social group because apart from work i can't see another way,you might have to put in the ground work and not online somewhere local to you

i understand you know all this and its obvious,most women are social creatures and feel safe there so you have to get amongst them and be patient,it comes so easy to some men that they don't understand and no point listening to them

anyway good luck and keep plugging away,it will happen eventually if you put yourself in the right situations ie socially active around women consistently,you reap what you sow,or win the lottery

that guy above who said going to the gym and working out is probably good advice too,feeling fit and healthy won't hurt at all

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


I find this so sad. Similar to your situation, My best friend is now 25 and has never really had a real girlfriend and is still a virgin. He just recently got on a dating website of some kind.
My friends and I have tried to offer suggestions and help whenever possible in the past but.. I dont get it, its unexplainable.
He gets depressed about it, and it is a vicious cycle I think,
He went to college even, but he says all of his classmates were just other nerdy guys since he was in engineering, so no luck there.

By contrast, I also went to college and majored in architecture, so lots of girls were always around. I always liked having conversations with girls, and (as a straight guy) I have always had a lot of friends who are girls. To be honest there was always a cornucopia of fun women around me. My approach was always a mix of platonic friendship mixed with casual flirting.. girls love this- as long as they are familiar with who you are in the first place. They love to talk about themselves and I honestly find it interesting.. most of the time.

Point is, you have to be in a scenario where there are girls around you. not just randomly-but the same women over and over. Maybe at work there are women that you can get to know. Day after day you can become friends with these women, even if they are taken.
You can go to lunch with these taken women with no intention of ever being more than friends.
And then you can make it known that you are single and looking- there for maybe these other women can hook you up with their friends or whoever.
Also just a tip, dont ever seem desperate in the early stages of getting to know a girl. Play it cool.

A third tip, most girls have no bottom level for acceptance of what their guy looks like. You always see gorgeous women with ugly dudes, so dont worry about what you look like, even if you were hideous (which your not) you could still land a hot chick.

Also another tip, watch Californication.. thats just a good show and could help you out I think.
And yeah alot of girls are taken, but thats just because nobody wants to be alone. Get to know them anyways, get them laughing, talk with them, we're all just human- even these "taken" girls.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

See, my experience says that confidence doesn't work one way or another. Whenever i try to stand up for myself, people just claim i'm overreacting and girls have told me that i should just chill out, and my confidence is always misinterpreted as arrogance or stupidity

If anything, i've found confidence to be a black mark against me, and seems to bear negatively on my personality. Something else has to be in play here, because being a guy who knows what he wants and is willing to take it definitely isn't the one quality that works for you

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
See, my experience says that confidence doesn't work one way or another. Whenever i try to stand up for myself, people just claim i'm overreacting and girls have told me that i should just chill out, and my confidence is always misinterpreted as arrogance or stupidity

If anything, i've found confidence to be a black mark against me, and seems to bear negatively on my personality. Something else has to be in play here, because being a guy who knows what he wants and is willing to take it definitely isn't the one quality that works for you

Well the confidence will be interpreted as arrogance when there aren't other traits to balance your personality, like humor, compassion, intelligence, humility and  so on. You are right though, as important as confidence is, there is indeed a point where a line gets crossed.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.