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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
Runa216 said:
Panama said:
I'm a little baffled at critics praising LBP Vita as the best yet, yet it's scoring worse than LBP2. You'd think a handheld game that is supposedly better than its console iteration would be granted some degree of leniency in the scoring.

People hate handhelds.  Seriously, I see games that are better on the handhelds but get lower scores (Disgaea 3), and others that get flat out slammed that are actually pretty good just becuase it's on a handheld (Resistance.)  

So add .5 to the score, it rounds up to about where LBP1 was :P 

On LBP probably the thing that you can use content from the past two games... could have made a little lower the scores...  Disgaea Case is unfogible... Disgaea games are better on portable EVER!...

But cases like those happen on Consoles too... like Soul calibur V.. is a better game than SCIV by far! Gameplay, graphics, updated mechanics, online modes... but got lower scores just because doesn't have long running single player modes (it's true, single player on that game is short of options.. and Story mode is CRAp literally)... overall it didn't get 7.5+

One time I watched a Comparison Video on IGN, between Street Figther 4 and Blazblue.. the Video compared.. Gameplay, graphics, sound/music.. innovation... lasting appeal and at BB was better on almost all over SF4 (even mechanics) but at the end on the veredict they said: "the better is SF4 just because the game is easy and familiar"... 

That was when I learned that reviewers are just gamers that have the power to express their own interests and likes... So is great good reviews overall, I find users thoughts better than Profesional Reviews...  That's why i ussually just read the technical details about how gameplay is and how much could the game last... and discard comments like "this game is the best/great/awesome/horrible/awful/bad" because overall is just a caseof perception... rigth?


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DemoniOtaku said:
Runa216 said:
Panama said:
I'm a little baffled at critics praising LBP Vita as the best yet, yet it's scoring worse than LBP2. You'd think a handheld game that is supposedly better than its console iteration would be granted some degree of leniency in the scoring.

People hate handhelds.  Seriously, I see games that are better on the handhelds but get lower scores (Disgaea 3), and others that get flat out slammed that are actually pretty good just becuase it's on a handheld (Resistance.)  

So add .5 to the score, it rounds up to about where LBP1 was :P 

On LBP probably the thing that you can use content from the past two games... could have made a little lower the scores...  Disgaea Case is unfogible... Disgaea games are better on portable EVER!...

But cases like those happen on Consoles too... like Soul calibur V.. is a better game than SCIV by far! Gameplay, graphics, updated mechanics, online modes... but got lower scores just because doesn't have long running single player modes (it's true, single player on that game is short of options.. and Story mode is CRAp literally)... overall it didn't get 7.5+

One time I watched a Comparison Video on IGN, between Street Figther 4 and Blazblue.. the Video compared.. Gameplay, graphics, sound/music.. innovation... lasting appeal and at BB was better on almost all over SF4 (even mechanics) but at the end on the veredict they said: "the better is SF4 just because the game is easy and familiar"... 

That was when I learned that reviewers are just gamers that have the power to express their own interests and likes... So is great good reviews overall, I find users thoughts better than Profesional Reviews...  That's why i ussually just read the technical details about how gameplay is and how much could the game last... and discard comments like "this game is the best/great/awesome/horrible/awful/bad" because overall is just a caseof perception... rigth?

Well that's not entirely fair.  I mean, yeah, there are SOME gamers who are just doing reviews as a platform to push their opinion as fact, but I can tell you I certainly don't have an agenda.  I mean, I HATED Dissidia 012 Duocecim Final Fantasy, and I gave that title an 8.6....becuase in spite of how frustrating I found it and how little I liked the gameplay, you couldn't deny it was deep, looked great, had a better story than pretty much any fighting game ever, and was unique.  if I had an agenda, I would have given that a 4 becuase I found it annoying.  

Same thing with Resistance 3.  I 'like' the resistance series, but I'm not in love with them...yet Resistance 3 blew my mind.  gave that a 9.0 becuase of how good it was.  (and yet people complained I barely talked about the Multiplayer...)

The point is, I'm sure some reviewers are only looking to push their agenda, but I know I'm not one of them, and most of the reviewers I know are only out to tell the truth, whether they concur or not. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Runa216 said:
Panama said:
I'm a little baffled at critics praising LBP Vita as the best yet, yet it's scoring worse than LBP2. You'd think a handheld game that is supposedly better than its console iteration would be granted some degree of leniency in the scoring.

People hate handhelds.  Seriously, I see games that are better on the handhelds but get lower scores (Disgaea 3), and others that get flat out slammed that are actually pretty good just becuase it's on a handheld (Resistance.)

So add .5 to the score, it rounds up to about where LBP1 was :P

Have you noticed in reviews that every game on Vita is compared to that or similar game on PS3, while every 3DS game is compared to DS game. That's kinda unfair. Even though SONY did say that PS Vita offers home console like experiance, but this is still not a home console.

We have ModNation Racers on Vita which is the better game than the same game on PSP, and yet it has lower Metacritic score.

We have LBP Vita which is by far superior game than any LBP installment so far, but in end it will have lower Matacritic score than PSP game (87) or LBP2 on PS3.

And there's still Gravity Rush that got 7 on IGN and 6,5 on Game Stop.


Speaking of Resistance, I do own the 3 PS3 games... but I never considered them to be something more than an everage shooter. Killzone is more my cup of tea.


pumped for LBP and New little kings story!

The off-topic things I want in the Vita´s Future:

A MGS game for the VITA
FF Type-0 for the VITA in the US
RE: Revelations port to the VITA
A GOW game for the VITA (the remake of GOW betrayal)
Every HD collection to be released on the VITA (because it makes more sense)
Killzone:Mercenaries to have a proper story mode, and not just 3 mins random missions like Unit 13.

And Finally I want that the developers put their sh!t together and begin making games for the PSVITA instead of waiting for the sales to pick up magically. >_

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Runa216 said:

Well that's not entirely fair.  I mean, yeah, there are SOME gamers who are just doing reviews as a platform to push their opinion as fact, but I can tell you I certainly don't have an agenda.  I mean, I HATED Dissidia 012 Duocecim Final Fantasy, and I gave that title an 8.6....becuase in spite of how frustrating I found it and how little I liked the gameplay, you couldn't deny it was deep, looked great, had a better story than pretty much any fighting game ever, and was unique.  if I had an agenda, I would have given that a 4 becuase I found it annoying.  

Same thing with Resistance 3.  I 'like' the resistance series, but I'm not in love with them...yet Resistance 3 blew my mind.  gave that a 9.0 becuase of how good it was.  (and yet people complained I barely talked about the Multiplayer...)

The point is, I'm sure some reviewers are only looking to push their agenda, but I know I'm not one of them, and most of the reviewers I know are only out to tell the truth, whether they concur or not. 

*Takes off white glove and slaps you with it* How DARE you?!

Dissidia 012 is a great RPG Action Fighting Game Hybrid which brings so much depth to the table. Each character plays drastically different. And the combat is pretty balanced(if not tipped ever so slightly to heavy magic users). There is just so much to freaking do in Dissidia it will make your head explode. So many ways to customize your fighter to the point they fight drastically different than another player's. You should give it another try.....namely when you are ready to face my Maxed Advent Cloud's righteous fury :P




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Heavenly_King said:
The off-topic things I want in the Vita´s Future:

A MGS game for the VITA
FF Type-0 for the VITA in the US
RE: Revelations port to the VITA
A GOW game for the VITA (the remake of GOW betrayal)
Every HD collection to be released on the VITA (because it makes more sense)
Killzone:Mercenaries to have a proper story mode, and not just 3 mins random missions like Unit 13.

And Finally I want that the developers put their sh!t together and begin making games for the PSVITA instead of waiting for the sales to pick up magically. >_<

I hope for that too.  I didn't really like the way the game played on the 3DS (Played the demo) and I'm not going to buy an add-on to solve design flaw that should have been fixed before launch. So I can only pray for a Vita port, but that would make too much sense for Capcom, and we both know Capcom wants Sony bankrupt.

Pimp3k said:
Runa216 said:
Panama said:
I'm a little baffled at critics praising LBP Vita as the best yet, yet it's scoring worse than LBP2. You'd think a handheld game that is supposedly better than its console iteration would be granted some degree of leniency in the scoring.

People hate handhelds.  Seriously, I see games that are better on the handhelds but get lower scores (Disgaea 3), and others that get flat out slammed that are actually pretty good just becuase it's on a handheld (Resistance.)

So add .5 to the score, it rounds up to about where LBP1 was :P

Have you noticed in reviews that every game on Vita is compared to that or similar game on PS3, while every 3DS game is compared to DS game. That's kinda unfair. Even though SONY did say that PS Vita offers home console like experiance, but this is still not a home console.

We have ModNation Racers on Vita which is the better game than the same game on PSP, and yet it has lower Metacritic score.

We have LBP Vita which is by far superior game than any LBP installment so far, but in end it will have lower Matacritic score than PSP game (87) or LBP2 on PS3.

And there's still Gravity Rush that got 7 on IGN and 6,5 on Game Stop.


Speaking of Resistance, I do own the 3 PS3 games... but I never considered them to be something more than an everage shooter. Killzone is more my cup of tea.


Youre so right, its what im saying since the launch, its totally unfair, people are so much demanding with the ps vita, this explains the metacritic score for most of the games. ( dont care of metacritic, when you see mario 3D land with 90, you can say this is just a joke )

Ac liberation on Vita/Uncharted  GA/ eetc  ? " pfff, no way , better version on PS3 -_- "

The same on 3DS  :  " Its so amazing to have this on the 3DS, so incredible!!   "

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Aerys said:
Pimp3k said:
Runa216 said:
Panama said:
I'm a little baffled at critics praising LBP Vita as the best yet, yet it's scoring worse than LBP2. You'd think a handheld game that is supposedly better than its console iteration would be granted some degree of leniency in the scoring.

People hate handhelds.  Seriously, I see games that are better on the handhelds but get lower scores (Disgaea 3), and others that get flat out slammed that are actually pretty good just becuase it's on a handheld (Resistance.)

So add .5 to the score, it rounds up to about where LBP1 was :P

Have you noticed in reviews that every game on Vita is compared to that or similar game on PS3, while every 3DS game is compared to DS game. That's kinda unfair. Even though SONY did say that PS Vita offers home console like experiance, but this is still not a home console.

We have ModNation Racers on Vita which is the better game than the same game on PSP, and yet it has lower Metacritic score.

We have LBP Vita which is by far superior game than any LBP installment so far, but in end it will have lower Matacritic score than PSP game (87) or LBP2 on PS3.

And there's still Gravity Rush that got 7 on IGN and 6,5 on Game Stop.


Speaking of Resistance, I do own the 3 PS3 games... but I never considered them to be something more than an everage shooter. Killzone is more my cup of tea.


Youre so right, its what im saying since the launch, its totally unfair, people are so much demanding with the ps vita.

Ac liberation on Vita ? " pfff, no way , better version on PS3 -_- "

The same on 3DS  :  " Its so amazing to have this on the 3DS !!!  "

This has been my sentements all Generation long but it has become very noticable with the Vita again. Sony games always get judged more harshly in comparison to other games in the same genre on dif consoles. How is Resident Evil on 3DS genius...but Assassin's Creed on Vita bad? How is New Super Mario 2 great....but LBP Vita "I can play it on console"?

GD double standards that drive me insane.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Also, the same thing happened to PSP and DS as well. Many PSP games were freaking fantastic but you wouldn't know it looking at game's review scores in comparison to DS. Games like Crisis Core, BBS, Jeanne D'Arc, etc were phenomenal RPGs in 3D on a HANDHELD!!!! Yet for some reason half assed 2D rpgs on the DS got higher reviews. Makes no damn sense. Take note....

On Metacritic
-Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars is a 93 on DS, but a 90 on PSP
-Kingdom Hearts BBS is an 82 while Pokemon SoulSilver is an 87
-Highest PSP game is God of War Chains of Olympus at 91, DS's is Chinatown Wars at a 93
This should be a CRIME!




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)