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DemoniOtaku said:
Runa216 said:
Panama said:
I'm a little baffled at critics praising LBP Vita as the best yet, yet it's scoring worse than LBP2. You'd think a handheld game that is supposedly better than its console iteration would be granted some degree of leniency in the scoring.

People hate handhelds.  Seriously, I see games that are better on the handhelds but get lower scores (Disgaea 3), and others that get flat out slammed that are actually pretty good just becuase it's on a handheld (Resistance.)  

So add .5 to the score, it rounds up to about where LBP1 was :P 

On LBP probably the thing that you can use content from the past two games... could have made a little lower the scores...  Disgaea Case is unfogible... Disgaea games are better on portable EVER!...

But cases like those happen on Consoles too... like Soul calibur V.. is a better game than SCIV by far! Gameplay, graphics, updated mechanics, online modes... but got lower scores just because doesn't have long running single player modes (it's true, single player on that game is short of options.. and Story mode is CRAp literally)... overall it didn't get 7.5+

One time I watched a Comparison Video on IGN, between Street Figther 4 and Blazblue.. the Video compared.. Gameplay, graphics, sound/music.. innovation... lasting appeal and at BB was better on almost all over SF4 (even mechanics) but at the end on the veredict they said: "the better is SF4 just because the game is easy and familiar"... 

That was when I learned that reviewers are just gamers that have the power to express their own interests and likes... So is great good reviews overall, I find users thoughts better than Profesional Reviews...  That's why i ussually just read the technical details about how gameplay is and how much could the game last... and discard comments like "this game is the best/great/awesome/horrible/awful/bad" because overall is just a caseof perception... rigth?

Well that's not entirely fair.  I mean, yeah, there are SOME gamers who are just doing reviews as a platform to push their opinion as fact, but I can tell you I certainly don't have an agenda.  I mean, I HATED Dissidia 012 Duocecim Final Fantasy, and I gave that title an 8.6....becuase in spite of how frustrating I found it and how little I liked the gameplay, you couldn't deny it was deep, looked great, had a better story than pretty much any fighting game ever, and was unique.  if I had an agenda, I would have given that a 4 becuase I found it annoying.  

Same thing with Resistance 3.  I 'like' the resistance series, but I'm not in love with them...yet Resistance 3 blew my mind.  gave that a 9.0 becuase of how good it was.  (and yet people complained I barely talked about the Multiplayer...)

The point is, I'm sure some reviewers are only looking to push their agenda, but I know I'm not one of them, and most of the reviewers I know are only out to tell the truth, whether they concur or not. 

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