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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I feel a MASSIVE change in the gaming industry

Legend11 said:
facher83 said:
Legend11 said:
BenKenobi88 said:
There's tons of people that will still buy the 360 or PS3 over the Wii, no question. Personally, I would call a lot of these people stupid, as they're the type that need their HD games, their bluetooth headsets, all the latest and greatest technology, no matter what the cost. Sure there's genuine 360 lovers, but a lot of them are just out for the best tech, and there will always be a market for them.

You post about PC games all the time then post garbage like that?


I'm in the market for a desktop upgrade in the next few weeks.... a $400 investment gets me a decent dual core, motherboard, and 4 gigs of nice DDR2 setup to crush what I have right now..... and certainly a lot more productive functionality than a video game console. I should be able to play games infinitely faster, as well, with better graphics. (I'm an entry level musician that needs number-crunching horsepower)

You need 4 gigs of ram and a dual core processor to create music? How exactly does creating music require "number-crunching horsepower"? Is the current system you have not good enough for creating music or are you predicting weather patterns, simulating nuclear explosions, designing aircraft, studying atomic structures, etc? Lets use "Wii logic" for a minute.. If the computer you have can play games with "good enough" graphics, can be used to create music well enough, surf the web adequately, etc, then why do you need a new computer? Are you just one of those people that BenKenobi88 mentioned that just wants the "latest and greatest technology"?

 You have no concept of what it is, so how can you second guess?

Using 1.5 gigs of active RAM, peaking out CPU processes on a 1.86 ghz Celeron M, yes, I do need it..... unless I want to spend 5 minutes generating content each time I want to listen to a final song.  The simple idea is that I already have the system that does this 'extra' junk, like pictures, mp3's, web surfing, chatting....  any future installment I get, including an upgrade, has all these features these consoles have as well - it's not a selling point.

Number crunching is the same as all these benchmark statistics that use picture editting manipulation and math calculations to generate benchmarks for processors.

I'm sorry, your music-generation software is in another castle.

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.

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Unless of course you want to use MIDI generation as your prime source HAH. You'd be surprised how many complete, or how many songs use partially artificial sounds, including sampled (pre-recorded and manipulated by computer software) to generate music on games. Very few soundtracks use 100% acoustic orchestral sounds. Even movie themes are at least 20% non-live recordings or more... like Pirates.

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.

Legend11, you are not one of the people I refer to when I made that post.

I'm saying, there are plenty of genuine 360 and PS3 lovers who buy their systems for the games.

But I'm also saying, there are tons of people out there who just buy these systems because they have the best graphics and that's all they care about. I'm not dissing the systems.

And PC buying is a totally different thing. I like my PC games to run nice and smooth, so I buy good PC components every now and then. I don't spend that much on it though.

Don't take it personally, this is just my opinion and my personal experience when dealing with people I know who have bought 360s. 3 of my friends are gamers and bought 360s for the great games. 6 of them are filled with booze and bought 360s because "it has HD and Wii is for fagtards" and etc. I'm not trying to start anything, but you can't deny there's a large number of people that would never even consider a different system because of the way the 360 is advertised.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

HappySqurriel said:
Borkachev said:
This argument is ridiculous. There aren't X numbers of consumers out there who each have to choose one system. Wii is growing the market, and it's inventing a new kind of gaming (well, really the DS pioneered it). New casual gamers and old hardcore gamers may both be drawn to the Wii, but in the end the latter will have to turn to PS3/360 to find the types of games they've been enjoying until now. As long as these people exist, there will be a market for "hardcore" consoles. Wii's success doesn't diminish them one bit. You can start the doomsaying when PS3/360 actually themselves sell poorly, not when they just fail to match the sales of an unprecedented success story like Wii.

and it is plausable that this could be the PS3's best year

Possible... extremely unlikely. PS3 is universally considered a failure this year (except for the holiday season) because of its high price and poor game selection. The price issue is now largely corrected, and virtually all the games that got people excited over it in the first place are scheduled for release in 2008/2009. It's really hard to see them going anywhere but up from here.

I don't really follow this line of thought ...

Developers who have spent the time and produced reasonable quality conventional games for the Wii have been rewarded with sales that met or exceeded their expectations; as a result there are more and more developers who will bring conventional gaming experiences to the Wii. After 2008 is over and done with I think this myth will be done with ...

 That would be nice, but at this point I'm doubtful. Legend11 gave a good list:

You can't get Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, The Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, Halo 3, Uncharted Drake's Fortune, Mass Effect, Bioshock, and many other games available on 360 and/or PS3 on the Wii.. And there is no Resident Evil 5, Grand Theft Auto 4, and many other games scheduled to come out on the Wii.

These are the gaming equivalents of the summer blockbusters in the film industry. I'd just like to add that not only are these specific games not available on Wii, neither are any games that could even remotely be called substitutes. And there hasn't been the slightest hint from any developer that this is going to change -- we've got some promising sales figures that we figure might influence their future decisions, but where are the press releases, the screenshots, the concrete game announcements? We've literally got nothing.

 Wii is more than just the minigame dumpster it's sometimes made out to be: it's a place for bright, instantly fun games from all genres. But for deep, engrossing games, the kind that move through story and gameplay arcs and offer an experience all of their own, it's a vacuum. There's no reason except pure optimism to think this will change.

 Legend of Zelda might be the sole exception.


While I agree with your assessment, I'd like to quibble one point: the type of gaming typified by the DS and Wii are not new, but are being rediscovered. They are callbacks to classic games like Pong, Space Invaders, Pac Man, Donkey Kong, and Tetris which were simple but fun and accessable. 

I think you're probably right about that. 

Sony/MS fanboys always claim that Wii is for children and and families, but if you look at the actual Wii demographics you can probably break it down into these categories.
1.) Children - age 6 - 14
2.) People who enjoy console gaming but can't afford 360/ps3
3.) Traditional gamers - males age 14 - 24
4.) Former Gamers who like nintendo/motion controls
5.) Non traditional gamers - girls, and people over the age of 30

Everyone always claims that there are way better games on PS3 and 360 because for traditional gamers this is true. Developers expected 360 or PS3 to win so they devoted all their dollars to make amazing games for those systems. Developers thought Wii would be another GC with moderate success dominated by Nintendo games, so they didn't bother to make any good games for the Wii.

Developers have started moving resources to the Wii and we will start seeing better and better games coming out and being announced every month. PS360 fanboys claim that only 1st party games are successful on Wii, but this is only because that is all the 3rd party developers have really made for the system so far. If you look at the 5 groups of Wii consumers above you will see that groups 2, 3 and 4 all show potential to buy hardcore Wii games if they are created. And over the next 4 or 5 years group 1, the children, will grow up into tradition gamers.

So if the developers make the amazing AAA games they make for the other systems, they will be successful on Wii because there are gamers who will buy them that own a Wii.

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Ah the hardcores try so veimently to justify and defend the 360 and Ps3 in this argument but in the end all it does is echoe the fear of change Nintendo brings.

You expect us to think the PS3's sales will only grow but the Wii's won't?

You expect us to think the PS3 and 360 will get more games but the Wii won't?

Did you not see the 360's first year? Can you call that encouraging? Yet we're to see all the Wii has achieved its first year as the testament to all it can ever achieve? Shame on you fanboys. Shame on your shortsightedness. Shame on your wanting all gaming just to be a new take on PC gaming.

If the PS3 continues at a steady pace it will sell 49m in seven years not 63 as it actually only sold 7m its first year. Of course these linear predictions that the Wii won't last and the PS3 somehow will not only defy tried and true trends of gaming past but they painfully illustrate the cherrypicking of what individuals want to believe to their own benefit.

I hate to break it to you but Nintendo gaming was here long before your brand of "Mature" Gaming. You're the troublesome trend, not us. Be thankful for the PC, it will be your liferaft in years to come.

Borkachev said:
HappySqurriel said:
Borkachev said:
This argument is ridiculous. There aren't X numbers of consumers out there who each have to choose one system. Wii is growing the market, and it's inventing a new kind of gaming (well, really the DS pioneered it). New casual gamers and old hardcore gamers may both be drawn to the Wii, but in the end the latter will have to turn to PS3/360 to find the types of games they've been enjoying until now. As long as these people exist, there will be a market for "hardcore" consoles. Wii's success doesn't diminish them one bit. You can start the doomsaying when PS3/360 actually themselves sell poorly, not when they just fail to match the sales of an unprecedented success story like Wii.

and it is plausable that this could be the PS3's best year

Possible... extremely unlikely. PS3 is universally considered a failure this year (except for the holiday season) because of its high price and poor game selection. The price issue is now largely corrected, and virtually all the games that got people excited over it in the first place are scheduled for release in 2008/2009. It's really hard to see them going anywhere but up from here.

I don't really follow this line of thought ...

Developers who have spent the time and produced reasonable quality conventional games for the Wii have been rewarded with sales that met or exceeded their expectations; as a result there are more and more developers who will bring conventional gaming experiences to the Wii. After 2008 is over and done with I think this myth will be done with ...

 That would be nice, but at this point I'm doubtful. Legend11 gave a good list:

You can't get Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, The Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, Halo 3, Uncharted Drake's Fortune, Mass Effect, Bioshock, and many other games available on 360 and/or PS3 on the Wii.. And there is no Resident Evil 5, Grand Theft Auto 4, and many other games scheduled to come out on the Wii.

These are the gaming equivalents of the summer blockbusters in the film industry. I'd just like to add that not only are these specific games not available on Wii, neither are any games that could even remotely be called substitutes. And there hasn't been the slightest hint from any developer that this is going to change -- we've got some promising sales figures that we figure might influence their future decisions, but where are the press releases, the screenshots, the concrete game announcements? We've literally got nothing.

 Wii is more than just the minigame dumpster it's sometimes made out to be: it's a place for bright, instantly fun games from all genres. But for deep, engrossing games, the kind that move through story and gameplay arcs and offer an experience all of their own, it's a vacuum. There's no reason except pure optimism to think this will change.

 Legend of Zelda might be the sole exception.


While I agree with your assessment, I'd like to quibble one point: the type of gaming typified by the DS and Wii are not new, but are being rediscovered. They are callbacks to classic games like Pong, Space Invaders, Pac Man, Donkey Kong, and Tetris which were simple but fun and accessable. 

I think you're probably right about that. 

The list you created is impressive but you and Legend11 always miss one MASSIVE important point ... How many of these games began development in 2007 or later?

No one doubts that third party publishers discounted the Wii from the begining and only started to consider that it could be successful after E3 2006; after E3 2006, the Wii's launch, passing the XBox 360 worldwide, and being sold out for a year there are no more doubts in third party developers' minds that the Wii is a viable platform.

You can continue to listen to posters on this board who have been predicting the failure of the Wii since day 1, and you can continue to believe them when they tell you that third party publishers are ignoring the Wii inspite of all evidence to the contrary.

Borkachev said:



You can't get Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, The Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, Halo 3, Uncharted Drake's Fortune, Mass Effect, Bioshock, and many other games available on 360 and/or PS3 on the Wii.. And there is no Resident Evil 5, Grand Theft Auto 4, and many other games scheduled to come out on the Wii.

These are the gaming equivalents of the summer blockbusters in the film industry. I'd just like to add that not only are these specific games not available on Wii, neither are any games that could even remotely be called substitutes. And there hasn't been the slightest hint from any developer that this is going to change -- we've got some promising sales figures that we figure might influence their future decisions, but where are the press releases, the screenshots, the concrete game announcements? We've literally got nothing.

 Wii is more than just the minigame dumpster it's sometimes made out to be: it's a place for bright, instantly fun games from all genres. But for deep, engrossing games, the kind that move through story and gameplay arcs and offer an experience all of their own, it's a vacuum. There's no reason except pure optimism to think this will change.

 Legend of Zelda might be the sole exception.


While I agree with your assessment, I'd like to quibble one point: the type of gaming typified by the DS and Wii are not new, but are being rediscovered. They are callbacks to classic games like Pong, Space Invaders, Pac Man, Donkey Kong, and Tetris which were simple but fun and accessable. 

Why will the Wii never get a hardcore game?  What about SMG, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Kart, Smash Bros?  Where are the Xbox 360/PS3 substitutes for these games?  RE 4, Scarface, Godfather, MOH 2, Call of Duty 3, Manhunt, Brothers in Arms, these are all substitutes for the games listed above.  They may not be as good, but most of them are solid in and of themselves.  Notwithstanding most gamers have PCs that would play those games and are not in need of a 360/PS3 to try these games. 

Wait until 2008.  Next years big 360/PS3 games missed 2007 releases.  That's why you know about them.  Most big 2008 games will be under wraps until E3.  This is because developers are pushing the games that are out now to consumers, not next years games.  Wait until next year.  I think we'll all be surprised at the support the Wii will garner. 

"most consumers in the broad market don't really want the 360/PS3 style of gaming."

Halo3 sales numbers would disagree with that statement. Besides what is the PS3 style of gaming? There are only two areas that are really Wii specific.

Party games that are build around motion detection. These have essentially sold the Wii. On the other hand how do you want to improve them? More games, better graphics? This is not what has made them great, an ugly little game like Wii Sports was amazingly fun when played with other people, I don't think Wii Sports 2 will be "better".

The Wii control as "lightgun" for rail-shooters like RE-UC or in First Person Shooters. This is definitely an improvement, on the other hand FPS are not essentially new or different from 360 type of gaming.

I don't think the Wii is a fad but I think Party games are one. They will sell less and less. In the end classic games will decide if the Wii will win this generation.

ArtofAngels said:


Ouch. Remind me never to keep anything in my sig that could bite me in the ass...

On the topic, he's right, and I have mixed feelings on the subject.

As a hardcore gamer, I don't like the idea of the market drifting away from my favorite medium, but I think the real truth here is that hardcore games can do well on the Wii, they just need to be designed FOR the Wii.

RE4 is a great example of a game which is hardcore but still sold incredibly well, and it was a port from last gen. Did it matter that it was a port? No. Did it matter that it was hardcore? Again, no. It sold well because it was an excellent game and excellent games will sell well.

I know the talk about lapsed gamers is real because I personally WAS a lapsed gamer. At the end of the last gen, I had no intention of ever buying another console. When I saw the Wiimote, though, all of that changed pretty dramatically.

But I didn't come back to gaming to play non-games. I came back because of what I knew the Wiimote could do for hardcore gaming. There are just too many ways the controller can make hardcore gaming better: FPS aiming, stabbing with weapons, punching enemies, etc. The fact that devs have yet to really harness this doesn't change the fact that it's readily possible to do so.

So yeah, I hope the Wii can become more of a home for the hardcore base than it is now, and all it'll really take is a few solid hardcore titles to shift the balance. 

"I mean, c'mon, Viva Pinata, a game with massive marketing, didn't sell worth a damn to the "sophisticated" 360 audience, despite near-universal praise--is that a sign that 360 owners are a bunch of casual ignoramuses that can't get their heads around a 'gardening' sim? Of course not. So let's please stop trying to micro-analyze one game out of hundreds and using it as the poster child for why good, non-1st party, games can't sell on Wii. (Everyone frequenting this site knows this is nonsense, and yet some of you just can't let it go because it's the only scab you have left to pick at after all your other "Wii will phail1!!1" straw men arguments have been put to the torch.)" - exindguy on Boom Blocks