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Sony/MS fanboys always claim that Wii is for children and and families, but if you look at the actual Wii demographics you can probably break it down into these categories.
1.) Children - age 6 - 14
2.) People who enjoy console gaming but can't afford 360/ps3
3.) Traditional gamers - males age 14 - 24
4.) Former Gamers who like nintendo/motion controls
5.) Non traditional gamers - girls, and people over the age of 30

Everyone always claims that there are way better games on PS3 and 360 because for traditional gamers this is true. Developers expected 360 or PS3 to win so they devoted all their dollars to make amazing games for those systems. Developers thought Wii would be another GC with moderate success dominated by Nintendo games, so they didn't bother to make any good games for the Wii.

Developers have started moving resources to the Wii and we will start seeing better and better games coming out and being announced every month. PS360 fanboys claim that only 1st party games are successful on Wii, but this is only because that is all the 3rd party developers have really made for the system so far. If you look at the 5 groups of Wii consumers above you will see that groups 2, 3 and 4 all show potential to buy hardcore Wii games if they are created. And over the next 4 or 5 years group 1, the children, will grow up into tradition gamers.

So if the developers make the amazing AAA games they make for the other systems, they will be successful on Wii because there are gamers who will buy them that own a Wii.