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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I feel a MASSIVE change in the gaming industry

I feel Wii will dominate, followed by PS3 still quite some way above 360.

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BenKenobi88 said:
There's tons of people that will still buy the 360 or PS3 over the Wii, no question. Personally, I would call a lot of these people stupid, as they're the type that need their HD games, their bluetooth headsets, all the latest and greatest technology, no matter what the cost. Sure there's genuine 360 lovers, but a lot of them are just out for the best tech, and there will always be a market for them.

The games on the 360 and PS3 ARE significantly different from the games on the Wii, so maybe people who buy either a 360 or PS3 aren't stupid and are choosing one or both of the other consoles because of the GAMES.  You can't get Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, The Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, Halo 3, Uncharted Drake's Fortune, Mass Effect, Bioshock, and many other games available on 360 and/or PS3 on the Wii.. And there is no Resident Evil 5, Grand Theft Auto 4, and many other games scheduled to come out on the Wii.  Also maybe it's the online offerings on the 360 and PS3 that attract people as well.  Oh and maybe bluetooth headsets are a selling feature to some people who might actually want to talk to the people they're playing with.  Don't you think it might just add a little to say a squad based tactical shooter in which everyone on a team has to act in unison? 

Also what exactly is the problem with wanting to enjoy better graphics, physics, AI, etc than the previous generation of consoles?  It was ok for the last 4 generations but suddenly because Nintendo didn't release something that was more powerful it isn't ok anymore?  Bullshit.  Those better graphics, physics, AI, etc, can add to the enjoyment of a game.  Anyways I'm tired of people who are trying to imply that it's wrong to enjoy good graphics or worse yet are hypocrites who bash the PS3 and 360 over the Wii saying graphics and extra features or whatever don't matter and then praise the PC over the PS3 and 360 for just that (sound familiar?).

Borkachev said:
This argument is ridiculous. There aren't X numbers of consumers out there who each have to choose one system. Wii is growing the market, and it's inventing a new kind of gaming (well, really the DS pioneered it). New casual gamers and old hardcore gamers may both be drawn to the Wii, but in the end the latter will have to turn to PS3/360 to find the types of games they've been enjoying until now. As long as these people exist, there will be a market for "hardcore" consoles. Wii's success doesn't diminish them one bit. You can start the doomsaying when PS3/360 actually themselves sell poorly, not when they just fail to match the sales of an unprecedented success story like Wii.

and it is plausable that this could be the PS3's best year

Possible... extremely unlikely. PS3 is universally considered a failure this year (except for the holiday season) because of its high price and poor game selection. The price issue is now largely corrected, and virtually all the games that got people excited over it in the first place are scheduled for release in 2008/2009. It's really hard to see them going anywhere but up from here.

I don't really follow this line of thought ...

Developers who have spent the time and produced reasonable quality conventional games for the Wii have been rewarded with sales that met or exceeded their expectations; as a result there are more and more developers who will bring conventional gaming experiences to the Wii. After 2008 is over and done with I think this myth will be done with ...

The Wii did change the gaming industry, PS3 and Xbox 360 are what developers want but since development costs went up. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are failures in that respect, just because of the fact the Wii is there with new controls and cheaper production value.

The PS3 and Xbox 360 are trying to fight for the ultimate gaming rig, with the best HD player, best graphics. Where as Nintendo developed a developer friendly system for developers to make cheap games on. And I understand this and I see the future for Microsoft and Sony to be really small. Just for the simple fact Nintendo is back.

Nintendo has fell deeply in the past because PS1 and PS2 was the next big thing, it was sort of the best in regards to having games out. Sega put a bad taste in everyone mouth, so consumers had no choice but to choose between the N64 of PS1. Then came Microsoft with the best developed console with graphics and its online service which is dominating at this point.

Nintendo shocked the world with its new control scheme and made a cheap developed console with it. Which is good and with the cheap price for consumers, its selling just like hotcakes. PS3 and Xbox 360 started out wrong with the prices and the selection of games.

Microsoft is doing something in the HD world. But Sony messed up with the Cell processor, just for the simple fact, the development costs are harder now than ever. And the games are taking time, plus consumers want the next big thing. Well when you have a console priced at $500 or $400 with no games. Consumers are forced to go after other alternatives such as the Wii and 360.

I do believe Nintendo has changed the industry in a good way. Because I wanted to go back to the core of gaming and it was the games. Not graphics, but to sit at my house and enjoy the gaming that is provided. Not these huge worlds or better disc capacity. I want gaming and Nintendo found the weakness in the gaming industry. And struck with vengeance, and took back what was there since the beginning.

Thats why I will continue to back Nintendo if Sony was to pull the plug on the industry just for the simple fact Nintendo cares more about games than anything and third parties need to see this to take advantage and realize its not about graphics or disc capcity its about the games themselves and release them.

I'm quite disappointed of the PS3 now. I purchased it thinking it would be the PS2 but whats holding it back is developers not knowing the hardware, and delays. Sony has messed up so bad this generation and I see it coming in the distant third in my opinion. Only if they can get these major franchises out then I will say second. But Nintendo and Microsoft are doing the right things now, I'm more agreeing with Nintendo than anybody.

Nintendo I have not betrayed you before, but every since Playstation franchise released the graphics is what I was more excited about than anything. And I forgot what the true means of gaming and its the game itself.

Congratulation Nintendo on making a comeback ^^

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I never thought I would say that but its true Nintendo is the next big thing and I want to follow their path just like I did when the gaming industry crashed with the Atari back then.

I will stick with the PS3 but I will back Nintendo just because they are the true gaming giant.

Had to get that out......

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Borkachev said:
This argument is ridiculous. There aren't X numbers of consumers out there who each have to choose one system. Wii is growing the market, and it's inventing a new kind of gaming (well, really the DS pioneered it). New casual gamers and old hardcore gamers may both be drawn to the Wii, but in the end the latter will have to turn to PS3/360 to find the types of games they've been enjoying until now. As long as these people exist, there will be a market for "hardcore" consoles. Wii's success doesn't diminish them one bit. You can start the doomsaying when PS3/360 actually themselves sell poorly, not when they just fail to match the sales of an unprecedented success story like Wii.

and it is plausable that this could be the PS3's best year

Possible... extremely unlikely. PS3 is universally considered a failure this year (except for the holiday season) because of its high price and poor game selection. The price issue is now largely corrected, and virtually all the games that got people excited over it in the first place are scheduled for release in 2008/2009. It's really hard to see them going anywhere but up from here.

While I agree with your assessment, I'd like to quibble one point: the type of gaming typified by the DS and Wii are not new, but are being rediscovered. They are callbacks to classic games like Pong, Space Invaders, Pac Man, Donkey Kong, and Tetris which were simple but fun and accessable.  

I feel that developers are following nintendo lead, for example, ms made scene it. This generation is a juggling act, where developers have to be able to balance casual with hardcore.

If I were _____________then maybe I would have friends

Legend11 said:
BenKenobi88 said:
There's tons of people that will still buy the 360 or PS3 over the Wii, no question. Personally, I would call a lot of these people stupid, as they're the type that need their HD games, their bluetooth headsets, all the latest and greatest technology, no matter what the cost. Sure there's genuine 360 lovers, but a lot of them are just out for the best tech, and there will always be a market for them.

You post about PC games all the time then post garbage like that?


I'm in the market for a desktop upgrade in the next few weeks....   a $400 investment gets me a decent dual core, motherboard, and 4 gigs of nice DDR2 setup to crush what I have right now.....   and certainly a lot more productive functionality than a video game console.  I should be able to play games infinitely faster, as well, with better graphics.  (I'm an entry level musician that needs number-crunching horsepower)

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.

facher83 said:
Legend11 said:
BenKenobi88 said:
There's tons of people that will still buy the 360 or PS3 over the Wii, no question. Personally, I would call a lot of these people stupid, as they're the type that need their HD games, their bluetooth headsets, all the latest and greatest technology, no matter what the cost. Sure there's genuine 360 lovers, but a lot of them are just out for the best tech, and there will always be a market for them.

You post about PC games all the time then post garbage like that?


I'm in the market for a desktop upgrade in the next few weeks....   a $400 investment gets me a decent dual core, motherboard, and 4 gigs of nice DDR2 setup to crush what I have right now.....   and certainly a lot more productive functionality than a video game console.  I should be able to play games infinitely faster, as well, with better graphics.  (I'm an entry level musician that needs number-crunching horsepower)

You need 4 gigs of ram and a dual core processor to create music?  How exactly does creating music require "number-crunching horsepower"?  Is the current system you have not good enough for creating music or are you predicting weather patterns, simulating nuclear explosions, designing aircraft, studying atomic structures, etc?  Lets use "Wii logic" for a minute.. If the computer you have can play games with "good enough" graphics, can be used to create music well enough, surf the web adequately, etc, then why do you need a new computer?  Are you just one of those people that BenKenobi88 mentioned that just wants the "latest and greatest technology"?


Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.