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BenKenobi88 said:
There's tons of people that will still buy the 360 or PS3 over the Wii, no question. Personally, I would call a lot of these people stupid, as they're the type that need their HD games, their bluetooth headsets, all the latest and greatest technology, no matter what the cost. Sure there's genuine 360 lovers, but a lot of them are just out for the best tech, and there will always be a market for them.

The games on the 360 and PS3 ARE significantly different from the games on the Wii, so maybe people who buy either a 360 or PS3 aren't stupid and are choosing one or both of the other consoles because of the GAMES.  You can't get Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, The Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, Halo 3, Uncharted Drake's Fortune, Mass Effect, Bioshock, and many other games available on 360 and/or PS3 on the Wii.. And there is no Resident Evil 5, Grand Theft Auto 4, and many other games scheduled to come out on the Wii.  Also maybe it's the online offerings on the 360 and PS3 that attract people as well.  Oh and maybe bluetooth headsets are a selling feature to some people who might actually want to talk to the people they're playing with.  Don't you think it might just add a little to say a squad based tactical shooter in which everyone on a team has to act in unison? 

Also what exactly is the problem with wanting to enjoy better graphics, physics, AI, etc than the previous generation of consoles?  It was ok for the last 4 generations but suddenly because Nintendo didn't release something that was more powerful it isn't ok anymore?  Bullshit.  Those better graphics, physics, AI, etc, can add to the enjoyment of a game.  Anyways I'm tired of people who are trying to imply that it's wrong to enjoy good graphics or worse yet are hypocrites who bash the PS3 and 360 over the Wii saying graphics and extra features or whatever don't matter and then praise the PC over the PS3 and 360 for just that (sound familiar?).