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Legend11, you are not one of the people I refer to when I made that post.

I'm saying, there are plenty of genuine 360 and PS3 lovers who buy their systems for the games.

But I'm also saying, there are tons of people out there who just buy these systems because they have the best graphics and that's all they care about. I'm not dissing the systems.

And PC buying is a totally different thing. I like my PC games to run nice and smooth, so I buy good PC components every now and then. I don't spend that much on it though.

Don't take it personally, this is just my opinion and my personal experience when dealing with people I know who have bought 360s. 3 of my friends are gamers and bought 360s for the great games. 6 of them are filled with booze and bought 360s because "it has HD and Wii is for fagtards" and etc. I'm not trying to start anything, but you can't deny there's a large number of people that would never even consider a different system because of the way the 360 is advertised.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )