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HappySqurriel said:
Borkachev said:
This argument is ridiculous. There aren't X numbers of consumers out there who each have to choose one system. Wii is growing the market, and it's inventing a new kind of gaming (well, really the DS pioneered it). New casual gamers and old hardcore gamers may both be drawn to the Wii, but in the end the latter will have to turn to PS3/360 to find the types of games they've been enjoying until now. As long as these people exist, there will be a market for "hardcore" consoles. Wii's success doesn't diminish them one bit. You can start the doomsaying when PS3/360 actually themselves sell poorly, not when they just fail to match the sales of an unprecedented success story like Wii.

and it is plausable that this could be the PS3's best year

Possible... extremely unlikely. PS3 is universally considered a failure this year (except for the holiday season) because of its high price and poor game selection. The price issue is now largely corrected, and virtually all the games that got people excited over it in the first place are scheduled for release in 2008/2009. It's really hard to see them going anywhere but up from here.

I don't really follow this line of thought ...

Developers who have spent the time and produced reasonable quality conventional games for the Wii have been rewarded with sales that met or exceeded their expectations; as a result there are more and more developers who will bring conventional gaming experiences to the Wii. After 2008 is over and done with I think this myth will be done with ...

 That would be nice, but at this point I'm doubtful. Legend11 gave a good list:

You can't get Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, The Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, Halo 3, Uncharted Drake's Fortune, Mass Effect, Bioshock, and many other games available on 360 and/or PS3 on the Wii.. And there is no Resident Evil 5, Grand Theft Auto 4, and many other games scheduled to come out on the Wii.

These are the gaming equivalents of the summer blockbusters in the film industry. I'd just like to add that not only are these specific games not available on Wii, neither are any games that could even remotely be called substitutes. And there hasn't been the slightest hint from any developer that this is going to change -- we've got some promising sales figures that we figure might influence their future decisions, but where are the press releases, the screenshots, the concrete game announcements? We've literally got nothing.

 Wii is more than just the minigame dumpster it's sometimes made out to be: it's a place for bright, instantly fun games from all genres. But for deep, engrossing games, the kind that move through story and gameplay arcs and offer an experience all of their own, it's a vacuum. There's no reason except pure optimism to think this will change.

 Legend of Zelda might be the sole exception.


While I agree with your assessment, I'd like to quibble one point: the type of gaming typified by the DS and Wii are not new, but are being rediscovered. They are callbacks to classic games like Pong, Space Invaders, Pac Man, Donkey Kong, and Tetris which were simple but fun and accessable. 

I think you're probably right about that.