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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Eurogamer: MS to announce at least 10 new IPs at E3

brendude13 said:
yo_john117 said:
brendude13 said:
yo_john117 said:
brendude13 said:
dsister said:
brendude13 said:

You don't HAVE to be lacking exclusives the rest of the year :P.

You could join the Trey brotherhood.

I will start buying PS exclusives when they release interesting ones 

Oh I see, your a member of that "PS3 haz no gamez" crew.

What happened to ElPresador? I miss that guy, he was hilarious.

So basically you are saying that both the Wii and the XBOX 360 have better exclusives than the PS3 this year and next year?

Nothing wrong with splashing out on both, I can assure you that you could find at least a few games worth playing on the PS3.

He has a PS3. And he is entitled to his own opinion.

Hey relax I'm joking, I thought you would have got that when I refered to the "trey brotherhood" xD.

Ah I didn't know who ElPresador is/was so that must have been why I missed it.

He's a "PS3 fanboy" on Youtube, he's pretty funny, but I think he was just trollin'.

He dissapeared a year ago though, haven't seen any videos from him since.

He still makes videos, but actually favors the Xbox now.   

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I welcome new IP's but I really wish they would make a sequel to Halo Wars, its the only console RTS I've ever enjoyed and it was pretty successful.

Wow,  the amount of BS in this thread is ridiculous.  


OT: Microsoft,  just give me a new Mechwarriors trailer and no one gets hurt.   I need it, bad.

smroadkill15 said:
brendude13 said:

Ah I didn't know who ElPresador is/was so that must have been why I missed it.

He's a "PS3 fanboy" on Youtube, he's pretty funny, but I think he was just trollin'.

He dissapeared a year ago though, haven't seen any videos from him since.

He still makes videos, but actually favors the Xbox now.   

Really? I thought he was trollin', but wow, not that much.

osamanobama said:

my mistake, i didnt show up on the first page of ur profile.

but your posts still indicate, that you dont care about it at all.

but i dont care, u can like or dislike whatever

I like the Playstation, I don't like Sony. 

Sig thanks to Saber! :D 

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dsister said:
osamanobama said:

my mistake, i didnt show up on the first page of ur profile.

but your posts still indicate, that you dont care about it at all.

but i dont care, u can like or dislike whatever

I like the Playstation, I don't like Sony. 

What's wrong with SONY?

While they do have their fare share of fuck-ups, they are fine in my books, absolute angels compared to Microsoft.

brendude13 said:

What's wrong with SONY?

While they do have their fare share of fuck-ups, they are fine in my books, absolute angels compared to Microsoft.

For one, their fans, I can't post my disappointment in the MS section without their fans jumping out of the woodworks telling me to buy a PS3. 

Sig thanks to Saber! :D 

dsister said:
brendude13 said:

What's wrong with SONY?

While they do have their fare share of fuck-ups, they are fine in my books, absolute angels compared to Microsoft.

For one, their fans, I can't post my disappointment in the MS section without their fans jumping out of the woodworks telling me to buy a PS3. 

Or you could JOIN THE TREY BROTHERHOOD *wink*.

But no, the fans aren't too bad, and remember that the fans don't represent SONY. There is nothing wrong with advising someone to buy a PS3, hell I did that a lot, I am responsible for at least 5 Playstation 3 sales. With the PS3 gaining steam (no pun intended) and the XBOX 360 and Wii losing steam, it is a logical choice for a gamer to invest in a PS3 right now. They aren't forcing you, they are just advising you (even though you own one anyway). Unless they call you names or tell you that you can ONLY purchase a PS3, then you should welcome them.

And I like the XBOX 360 but hate Microsoft, I have plenty of reasons though, most of which aren't even related to gaming.


I read the first page where people are strictly posting comments on what they think of this rumour/speculation about MS's E3, and then I skip to the last few pages and all I see are "SONY this, SONY that".

You PS3 fanboys just need to STFU and GTFO from the MS section. Yes I get it, you have a shitload of exclusives, GREAT, I am happy for you, now why don't you take your gloating and crying over to the Sony section, THAT IS THE SOLE REASON WHY THAT SECTION EXISTS, so that you can talk Sony related stuff.

Omg, I am getting fed up of this BS, I can't read a single thread related to MS without the whole thread straying off topic to some stupid console war crap. THIS SECTION IS CALLED MS DISCUSSION, NOT REMINDING PEOPLE HOW MANY SEQUELS SONY HAVE COMING OUT OR WHY SONY IS THE BIGGEST BLESSING FOR MANKIND EVER.


UltimateUnknown said:


I read the first page where people are strictly posting comments on what they think of this rumour/speculation about MS's E3, and then I skip to the last few pages and all I see are "SONY this, SONY that".

You PS3 fanboys just need to STFU and GTFO from the MS section. Yes I get it, you have a shitload of exclusives, GREAT, I am happy for you, now why don't you take your gloating and crying over to the Sony section, THAT IS THE SOLE REASON WHY THAT SECTION EXISTS, so that you can talk Sony related stuff.

Omg, I am getting fed up of this BS, I can't read a single thread related to MS without the whole thread straying off topic to some stupid console war crap. THIS SECTION IS CALLED MS DISCUSSION, NOT REMINDING PEOPLE HOW MANY SEQUELS SONY HAVE COMING OUT.

Haw haw haw, u got no exclusives! U aint got no Last Guardian *sticks tongue out*.

Seriously though, relax, this isn't a fanboy war it's just friendly discussion. This is a discussion about Microsoft's E3 but Microsoft don't seem to have that much set up for E3, it was only a matter of time before the competition was drawn into the argument.