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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Silicon Knights on Too Human: We Intend to Finish the Trilogy [Exclusive]

I guess I was one of the few people that really liked Too Human. I Hope Too Human 2 gets revealed at E3.   

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NiKKoM said:

Ow and HA HA!

for people bitching about nsanity never posting BAD Microsoft news...

This posts amused me.

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I liked Too Human...hope they make more. I love coop games...

Yeah I enjoyed it too. I like loot and the multiplayer was fun. It wasn't perfect but it was an enjoyable game.

Cool Too Human was a great game.




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So the trilogy will be over in what? Another 20 years?

I need to get this game still. A friend of mine bought it and couldn't put it down so it can't be as horrible as some say.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


NiKKoM said:

Better companies, with less bad games have gone under... Silicon Knights should have 3 years ago..

You should be beaten to exhaustion!

The simple fact that they made "Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem" makes them a top notch developer.

The only legitimately good game they ever made was Blood Omen. Too Human should have been the end of them and Dyack's responses to criticism were just plain childish

Hey, guess what?  Too Human was a TON of fun!  The more I played, the more I realized the RIGHT way to play and saw the depth and got addicted.  And it's my first loot action-RPG game.  Considering all of the problems that popped up during development (see the whole Epic lawsuit situation), a sequel without all of the drama would be GREAT!

I bet many of those that hate on the game never even made it to level 20 or finished a Charm quest ...