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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Silicon Knights on Too Human: We Intend to Finish the Trilogy [Exclusive]

Too Human is a good game with a good premise... sure it was rough around the edges and fell short here and there but it doesnt take away from the fact that it wasa decent game that deserves more attention. Lets hope that should a sequel be made they get over the issues thay had whilst developing the first one.

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To be honest I though Too Human was a decent enough game. Obviously not AAA by any means but still ok.

I think there really is potential for a cool story there with the futureistic Norse setting and I thought some of the combat was pretty interesting.

There were however some MAJOR design flaws and I pray to god I never have to see that rediculous Valkyrie death scene again, I litteraly saw it like 1,000 straight times playing that game and it couldn't be skipped.

So honestly I'm pleasently surprised and cautiously optimistic for a possible Too Human 2. If they really pour alot more work into it, really up the graphics, and fix some broken mechanics it could acutally be a very good game.

The haters need to stop.  Even with the flaws, Too Human is still a top 5 game this gen.  Definitely the number 1 combat system of the gen and tied with Mass effect for best universe of the gen.

One of the worst games I've ever played. If I could play and finish Front Mission Evolved, then I should have been able to handle Too Human for a few hours, I couldn't, you know why? Because it sucked. Silicone Knights should have gone under years ago, but for some reason the Canadian government is backing them up, it's a shame when shitty developers get to live, but good developers go under even when they released a quality game.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.

Great great game. One of the best and most addicting WRPGs I've played this gen.

Maybe you should include some more important parts in your posts like:

"Dyack says it was impossible that his studio was working on Too Human for 10 years because of this, and that "in reality, the development of the Xbox 360 game started in 2004 after MGS: Twin Snakes." He also noted that "we created an entirely new engine during this time, [so] the development time was actually extraordinarily short.""

"Dyack insisted that Silicon Knights' last title sold quite well in 2008, the year it was released. "Too Human actually outperformed almost all of the games released on Xbox 360 in 2008," he boasted, adding that it had "sold around 700,000 units" since launching around 30 months ago, "with the notable exceptions being those products that had a much greater marketing spend compared to Too Human""

"Dyack also wanted to point out that the game's budget was "smaller than most big budget titles, even when you include the costs of creating the Silicon Knights Engine, which were very significant," only specifically saying the total was "less than 1/3 of that inaccurate '80 million' rumor" -- which is to say "less than 27 million dollars," in case you were wondering."


Not so a big flop afterall and I'm very glad that they're working on the sequels.

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lolzercraft...that is all

PSN: Saugeen-Uwo     Feel free to add me (put Vg Chartz as MSG)!

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Game was crap imho.

I bought it used I think around $4ish shipped on eBay and promptly traded it in to Gamestop. I gave it a few hours, but the controls were pretty damn wonky. They should have just taken the Diablo approach.

I'm glad they sold 700k though, that's pretty impressive considering all the bad reviews it got and the press. A lot of people must have been hyped for it. Also impressed by the price tag considering how much was rumored to be spent on this game.

They will have to work very hard on the second one, and even then they can't spend too much otherwise it will turn into the next Shenmue 3, where the last part never comes out because the second one failed to capture good sales.

It's just that simple.

Barozi said:

Great great game. One of the best and most addicting WRPGs I've played this gen.

Maybe you should include some more important parts in your posts like:

"Dyack says it was impossible that his studio was working on Too Human for 10 years because of this, and that "in reality, the development of the Xbox 360 game started in 2004 after MGS: Twin Snakes." He also noted that "we created an entirely new engine during this time, [so] the development time was actually extraordinarily short.""

"Dyack insisted that Silicon Knights' last title sold quite well in 2008, the year it was released. "Too Human actually outperformed almost all of the games released on Xbox 360 in 2008," he boasted, adding that it had "sold around 700,000 units" since launching around 30 months ago, "with the notable exceptions being those products that had a much greater marketing spend compared to Too Human""

"Dyack also wanted to point out that the game's budget was "smaller than most big budget titles, even when you include the costs of creating the Silicon Knights Engine, which were very significant," only specifically saying the total was "less than 1/3 of that inaccurate '80 million' rumor" -- which is to say "less than 27 million dollars," in case you were wondering."


Not so a big flop afterall and I'm very glad that they're working on the sequels.

Wow that means they at least came close to breaking even so thats not too bad at all.

yo_john117 said:
Barozi said:

Great great game. One of the best and most addicting WRPGs I've played this gen.

Maybe you should include some more important parts in your posts like:

"Dyack says it was impossible that his studio was working on Too Human for 10 years because of this, and that "in reality, the development of the Xbox 360 game started in 2004 after MGS: Twin Snakes." He also noted that "we created an entirely new engine during this time, [so] the development time was actually extraordinarily short.""

"Dyack insisted that Silicon Knights' last title sold quite well in 2008, the year it was released. "Too Human actually outperformed almost all of the games released on Xbox 360 in 2008," he boasted, adding that it had "sold around 700,000 units" since launching around 30 months ago, "with the notable exceptions being those products that had a much greater marketing spend compared to Too Human""

"Dyack also wanted to point out that the game's budget was "smaller than most big budget titles, even when you include the costs of creating the Silicon Knights Engine, which were very significant," only specifically saying the total was "less than 1/3 of that inaccurate '80 million' rumor" -- which is to say "less than 27 million dollars," in case you were wondering."


Not so a big flop afterall and I'm very glad that they're working on the sequels.

Wow that means they at least came close to breaking even so thats not too bad at all.

yeah they probably made a bit less than $20m and the budget was ~$25m

Where does it say exclusive? :-S