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Barozi said:

Great great game. One of the best and most addicting WRPGs I've played this gen.

Maybe you should include some more important parts in your posts like:

"Dyack says it was impossible that his studio was working on Too Human for 10 years because of this, and that "in reality, the development of the Xbox 360 game started in 2004 after MGS: Twin Snakes." He also noted that "we created an entirely new engine during this time, [so] the development time was actually extraordinarily short.""

"Dyack insisted that Silicon Knights' last title sold quite well in 2008, the year it was released. "Too Human actually outperformed almost all of the games released on Xbox 360 in 2008," he boasted, adding that it had "sold around 700,000 units" since launching around 30 months ago, "with the notable exceptions being those products that had a much greater marketing spend compared to Too Human""

"Dyack also wanted to point out that the game's budget was "smaller than most big budget titles, even when you include the costs of creating the Silicon Knights Engine, which were very significant," only specifically saying the total was "less than 1/3 of that inaccurate '80 million' rumor" -- which is to say "less than 27 million dollars," in case you were wondering."


Not so a big flop afterall and I'm very glad that they're working on the sequels.

Wow that means they at least came close to breaking even so thats not too bad at all.