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Forums - General Discussion - Lots of bashing for the belief of God....

DélioPT said:

No, it`s because it contains the words from God and Jesus, along with his life. And that is defining to those who believe. That`s why we call it sacred and not just very important or very meaningful.

Ok and King Arthur contains the words of Arthur and Lancelot and Merlin, among a bunch of others. Why isn't that sacred?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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vlad321 said:
pizzahut451 said:
vlad321 said:
pizzahut451 said:
vlad321 said:
pizzahut451 said:
vlad321 said:
RCTjunkie said:
vlad321 said:

Religion gets bashed every time it can come around because there are still many, MANY places in the US which will gladly pass laws and provisions based on the belief in what was written in one fairy tale book or another.

Edit: Instead of practically and logic.

Calling these books "Fairy tales" and implying their lack of logic proves my point further.

Well I mean, in ALL of my talks, civilised talks, with religioous and non-religious people, no one has been able to tell me how the Bible, Qoran, other religious texts, are somehow different than fairies, unicorns, King Arthur, Robin Hood, etc. I can in fact make a stronger argument for dragons' existance specifically than any given god, or gods, that human kind has ever dreamed of.

You are now taking offense to a very simple, true, fact. Maybe you should accept the fallacies in your beliefs and still embrace them, over taking offense at simple truths.

How are they in any way the same?

They are illogical construction of people's minds to explain the world, given validity solely because they were written down and the fact that there is an X amount of people who believe in it. I would love for you to tell me how Robin Hood is different than the Qoran or the Bible.

well, I cant speak for other religous books, but the New Testament (the Bible) isnt anything like that.

Alright, do let me know why. As far as I remember the new testament has the exact same merits as King Arthur.

Because New Testament is book about teachings of Christ.

And King Arthur is a book about the merits of someone named Arthur. What's your point?

Whats YOUR point? Christianity is based on New Testament, the teachings of Christ and what he said a good Christian should act, about Christ's lifetime on Earth and christian moral. What the hell does any of this had to do with King Arthur?

vlad321 said:
DélioPT said:

No, it`s because it contains the words from God and Jesus, along with his life. And that is defining to those who believe. That`s why we call it sacred and not just very important or very meaningful.

Ok and King Arthur contains the words of Arthur and Lancelot and Merlin, among a bunch of others. Why isn't that sacred?

Because its made up by man. And people believe New Testament are the words of son of God .A God or higher power is something people believed in ever since their brain was developed enough to think. It all comes own to fatih, after all (weather you believe God is made up by man or higher power really exists)

vlad321 said:
RCTjunkie said:
vlad321 said:

Religion gets bashed every time it can come around because there are still many, MANY places in the US which will gladly pass laws and provisions based on the belief in what was written in one fairy tale book or another.

Edit: Instead of practically and logic.

Calling these books "Fairy tales" and implying their lack of logic proves my point further.

Well I mean, in ALL of my talks, civilised talks, with religioous and non-religious people, no one has been able to tell me how the Bible, Qoran, other religious texts, are somehow different than fairies, unicorns, King Arthur, Robin Hood, etc. I can in fact make a stronger argument for dragons' existance specifically than any given god, or gods, that human kind has ever dreamed of.

You are now taking offense to a very simple, true, fact. Maybe you should accept the fallacies in your beliefs and still embrace them, over taking offense at simple truths.

Does Robin Hood for instance have prophecies about the future which have been fulfilled (like in the Bible)? Or did King Arthur live like the historical Jesus?

Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:

Doobie_wop said:

It's really easy. When a belief has the amount of influence that Christianity does and then the people who follow that belief spout stupid shit, pass stupid laws and are pretty much a fish hook that's dragging society back instead of allowing it progress, then it's really easy to find fault in the belief and critisize it, especially when someone elses belief effects the welfare of people who don't follow that belief. 

Christians are also the ones on the attack, when factual knowledge, progressive thought and non-christian values are brought into a discussion, they become extremely defensive and begin to reference their belief to prove their belief. You can't reference the Bible to prove Jesus is a real person, you can't reference the Bible to say the Earth is the centre of the Universe and you can't reference the Bible when making laws that prohibit same sex marriage, it'd be like referencing the Iliad to prove some point about the Trojan war.

A religion is also not a race, gender or sexual orientation, all those things aren't beliefs and the person has no control in the matter and also don't try to push those traits on to other people.To stay relevant, Christianity has to convert people, to do so, they also have to trick people into converting, convince their children from a young age to become Christians and pay their way into converting people that don't have the wealth, the knowledge or the desire to back back against it (it's the reason why travelling church groups freak me out, taking advantage of poorer countries, just so that they can push their religion on to others).

Then you have all the usual mumbo jumbo, Christianity promotes discrimination, more wars have been fought in the name of Christianity than any other non religous belief, backward thinking, pedophile priests, KKK, crazy Pope, spread of misinformation, reluctance to teach evolution in schools, ignorance, ridiculous amount of contradictions and hypocrisy, influence and Christians are usually hard to argue against, especially when they fall back on the 'It is what it is, because God says so' line.

That's my take anyway.

It promotes discrimination? Doesnt the Bible teach you to love your enemies and pray for them? And there have been way more wars fought in the name of Islam, today and 1000 years ago in the Islamic Expansion. You know, if you fight and say its because of Christianity than its not the fault of the Bible or that religion because the Bible forbids such things, but yeah, it seems like many people dont WANT to understand that.

Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:

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pizzahut451 said:
vlad321 said:
DélioPT said:

No, it`s because it contains the words from God and Jesus, along with his life. And that is defining to those who believe. That`s why we call it sacred and not just very important or very meaningful.

Ok and King Arthur contains the words of Arthur and Lancelot and Merlin, among a bunch of others. Why isn't that sacred?

Because its made up by man. And people believe New Testament are the words of son of God .A God or higher power is something people believed in ever since their brain was developed enough to think. It all comes own to fatih, after all (weather you believe God is made up by man or higher power really exists)

Why is it made up, yet the bible isn't? I can also say the EXACT SAME thing about the New Testament, it's all made up. Whatever defense you apply to the bible right there, I can apply to king Arthur as well.

Also, ever since a brain was developed people have desired to find patterns, and understanding, of how nature acts. Given the primitive nature of people at that point, the only thing they could imagine is a higher diety. Now that we can actually observe and create pretty good models for many things in nature, we no longer need such an ignorant way of describing the world.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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ProdigyBam said:
vlad321 said:
RCTjunkie said:
vlad321 said:

Religion gets bashed every time it can come around because there are still many, MANY places in the US which will gladly pass laws and provisions based on the belief in what was written in one fairy tale book or another.

Edit: Instead of practically and logic.

Calling these books "Fairy tales" and implying their lack of logic proves my point further.

Well I mean, in ALL of my talks, civilised talks, with religioous and non-religious people, no one has been able to tell me how the Bible, Qoran, other religious texts, are somehow different than fairies, unicorns, King Arthur, Robin Hood, etc. I can in fact make a stronger argument for dragons' existance specifically than any given god, or gods, that human kind has ever dreamed of.

You are now taking offense to a very simple, true, fact. Maybe you should accept the fallacies in your beliefs and still embrace them, over taking offense at simple truths.

Does Robin Hood for instance have prophecies about the future which have been fulfilled (like in the Bible)? Or did King Arthur live like the historical Jesus?

Given enough time, and especially with people dilligently looking for somethign to fit, any prophecy will come true. The same reason I find Nostradamus laughable is the same way I find the bible's predictions laughable.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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pizzahut451 said:
vlad321 said:
pizzahut451 said:
vlad321 said:
pizzahut451 said:
vlad321 said:
pizzahut451 said:
vlad321 said:
RCTjunkie said:
vlad321 said:

Religion gets bashed every time it can come around because there are still many, MANY places in the US which will gladly pass laws and provisions based on the belief in what was written in one fairy tale book or another.

Edit: Instead of practically and logic.

Calling these books "Fairy tales" and implying their lack of logic proves my point further.

Well I mean, in ALL of my talks, civilised talks, with religioous and non-religious people, no one has been able to tell me how the Bible, Qoran, other religious texts, are somehow different than fairies, unicorns, King Arthur, Robin Hood, etc. I can in fact make a stronger argument for dragons' existance specifically than any given god, or gods, that human kind has ever dreamed of.

You are now taking offense to a very simple, true, fact. Maybe you should accept the fallacies in your beliefs and still embrace them, over taking offense at simple truths.

How are they in any way the same?

They are illogical construction of people's minds to explain the world, given validity solely because they were written down and the fact that there is an X amount of people who believe in it. I would love for you to tell me how Robin Hood is different than the Qoran or the Bible.

well, I cant speak for other religous books, but the New Testament (the Bible) isnt anything like that.

Alright, do let me know why. As far as I remember the new testament has the exact same merits as King Arthur.

Because New Testament is book about teachings of Christ.

And King Arthur is a book about the merits of someone named Arthur. What's your point?

Whats YOUR point? Christianity is based on New Testament, the teachings of Christ and what he said a good Christian should act, about Christ's lifetime on Earth and christian moral. What the hell does any of this had to do with King Arthur?

Just stop, he knows hes wrong but doesnt want to show it, really sad.

I will say that in german because my english is bad but he understands me.

Leute wie den muss es geben, es ist so prophezeit worden. Und eigentlich sind solche Leute der größte Gottesbeweis, den du bekämpfst nichts, vor was du keine Angst hast. Tief im Inneren weiß er, dass es so etwas wie einen Gott geben muss, aber er versucht es durch hirnlose Angriffe irgendwie zu verdrängen.

Oder kurz in einem Bibelvers zusammengefasst, der perfekt auf unsere heutige Zeit zutrifft, die Zeit kurz vor der Endzeit (wie ich meine):

Wenn euch die Welt hasst, so wisst, dass sie mich vor euch gehasst hat.
Wäret ihr von der Welt, so hätte die Welt das Ihre lieb. Weil ihr aber nicht von der Welt seid, sondern ich euch aus der Welt erwählt habe, darum hasst euch die Welt.


Und zu den Moslems: Die Leute trauen sich bloß nicht den (politischen) Islam anzugreifen, weil man dafür sein Leben riskiert, aber Hardlineratheisten lieben es auf den christlichen Glauben loszugehen, weil sie genau wissen, dass sie vor den Gläubigen einer Religion, die Nächstenliebe und "die andere Wange hinhalten" predigt, keine Angst haben müssen. Ich find es nur lächerlich zu behaupten, dass Christen Kinderficker sind, Kriege wegen dem Christentum angefangen wurden und das Christentum Rassismus oder sonstwas fördert, obwohl diese Taten in der Bibel scharf verurteilt werden. Das Komische ist nur, dass alles oben stehende perfekt auf den Koran zutrifft (ich hab ihn gelesen) und auf das Leben des Mohammed, aber scheinbar viele Atheisten kein Problem mit dieser "Religion" haben. Es ist einfach der Hass auf die eigene Kultur und es macht mich echt fertig, dass ich als Nichtdeutscher dieses Land mehr verteidige, als die Deutschen, die lieber zusehen wie es untergeht. Naja...

Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:

pizzahut451 said:
vlad321 said:
DélioPT said:

No, it`s because it contains the words from God and Jesus, along with his life. And that is defining to those who believe. That`s why we call it sacred and not just very important or very meaningful.

Ok and King Arthur contains the words of Arthur and Lancelot and Merlin, among a bunch of others. Why isn't that sacred?

Because its made up by man. And people believe New Testament are the words of son of God .A God or higher power is something people believed in ever since their brain was developed enough to think. It all comes own to fatih, after all (weather you believe God is made up by man or higher power really exists)

i was just thinking about that part the other day. that must have been the exact moment when they also realized that they would  inevitably die one day. and they would have to compensate for that knowledge with something that would come afterwards. and that is what religion is fundamentally all about. the possibility about a life after death. and you can only exclain that possibility with a higher power.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

ProdigyBam said:
pizzahut451 said:

Whats YOUR point? Christianity is based on New Testament, the teachings of Christ and what he said a good Christian should act, about Christ's lifetime on Earth and christian moral. What the hell does any of this had to do with King Arthur?

Just stop, he knows hes wrong but doesnt want to show it, really sad.

I will say that in german because my english is bad but he understands me.

Leute wie den muss es geben, es ist so prophezeit worden. Und eigentlich sind solche Leute der größte Gottesbeweis, den du bekämpfst nichts, vor was du Angst hast. Tief im Inneren weiß er, dass es so etwas wie einen Gott geben muss, aber er versucht es durch hirnlose Angriffe irgendwie zu verdrängen.

Oder kurz in einem Bibelvers zusammengefasst, der perfekt auf unsere heutige Zeit zutrifft, die Zeit kurz vor der Endzeit (wie ich meine):

Wenn euch die Welt hasst, so wisst, dass sie mich vor euch gehasst hat.
Wäret ihr von der Welt, so hätte die Welt das Ihre lieb. Weil ihr aber nicht von der Welt seid, sondern ich euch aus der Welt erwählt habe, darum hasst euch die Welt.


Und zu den Moslems: Die Leute trauen sich bloß nicht den (politischen) Islam anzugreifen, weil man dafür sein Leben riskiert, aber Hardlineratheisten lieben es auf den christlichen Glauben loszugehen, weil sie genau wissen, dass sie vor den Gläubigen einer Religion, die Nächstenliebe und "die andere Wange hinhalten" predigt, keine Angst haben müssen. Ich find es nur lächerlich zu behaupten, dass Christen Kinderficker sind, Kriege wegen dem Christentum angefangen wurden und das Christentum Rassismus oder sonstwas fördert, obwohl diese Taten in der Bibel scharf verurteilt werden. Das Komische ist nur, dass alles oben stehende perfekt auf den Koran zutrifft (ich hab ihn gelesen) und auf das Leben des Mohammed, aber scheinbar viele Atheisten kein Problem mit dieser "Religion" haben. Es ist einfach der Hass auf die eigene Kultur und es macht mich echt fertig, dass ich als Nichtdeutscher dieses Land mehr verteidige, als die Deutschen, die lieber zusehen wie es untergeht. Naja...

I am actually very much correct. Any argument you can make for any religious text's validity, sacredness, whatever you want to call it, I can make about some fairy tale, fable, whatever.

P.S. I don't know why you think I know german.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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