Wii - 45m
360 - 24m
PS3 - 18m
Wii will have 50% marketshare by end of year, and will never lose it in this generation
WiiFit sales will only be limited by supply of Wii's and WiiFits. It will outsell SSBB by end of year (but SSBB will have greater initial sells)
MS will drop the price of the x360 prior to GTAIV which Sony won't be able to match. This (plus exclusive content) will allow them to sell more than double the amount of GTAs (by end of year, not initially) in NA.
By mid-year the mindset of Joe-Blow-American gamer will be 'If I want a game system where I can play online against my friends, I need an Xbox'. This will allow x360 to not only maintain, but INCREASE it's lead over PS3 in NA. NA will see the PS3 as an 'also ran'.
In Europe & Others the exact opposite will be true.
X360 will have it's best year ever in Japan, but it'll still be meaningless.
Wii will dominate in all regions, all year, with maybe the odd week exception for major launches/price cuts.
As the year progresses more and more Japan exclusive major releases will be announced for Wii. PS3 will flog FFXIII religiously in response but it won't be out until '09. Far too late to save this generation for Sony in Japan.
Almost all 3rd party games will be multi-platform or Wii exclusive.
By end of year we'll finally see black and pink Wii's. At least in Japan.
DS & PSP will continue much like they are today. PSP software development will start to dry up, but some key titles/genres will always be available. We'll all wonder how many DS's can each Japanese family have.