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KillerMan said:

Even Halo Reach is not enough to defeat DS ww (when Japan numbers are out). That thing is just something else. 3DS already announced and it just keeps selling. wow.

Amazing Reach numbers but at the same time some guys here really should calm down. If you compare Reach sales to Halo 3 sales in sales site you hate Halo? wtf really.

Solid PS3 sales. Nothing amazing but no disaster either.

Wii needs more games.

PSP is PSP... slowly dying away (outside of Japan). it needs price drop asap.

DS is Hydrogen and Xbox 360 is like Neon if you get me.

Buying in 2015: Captain toad: treasure tracker,

mario maker

new 3ds

yoshi woolly world

zelda U

majora's mask 3d

Around the Network
kowenicki said:
wholikeswood said:

Oh man, Wii in fourth (and will stay that way post-Japan numbers).


Its hard to look at the Wii as anything other than a console in a rapid decline now...

I call it a console without games launched for the year, but can call it whatever you want.

Above: still the best game of the year.

Acevil said:
Maynard_Tool said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Maynard_Tool said:

Your comment about all 3 consoles being close in term of % in one year it's something redudant u have been saying for a while now....

I don't see why are you complaining

err no

Seece said THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN ANY GEN all 3 consoles will be in the 30% to 39% range in marketshare for a given year.

Now that is a pretty cool occurence, not redundant, just rare and something which should be pointed out.

I mean, he has said it a few times now, that is becoming redundant.... not that the fact of the 3 consoles being in the 30-39% range is something redundant.

Honestly I don't even know why seece started picking on nintendogamer in the first place. A lot of people here make redundant posts, me included.

Yep.... that's what i've been trying to say. Everyone post the same every single week on the sales threads...

thx1139 said:
huaxiong90 said:
thx1139 said:
kowenicki said:
wholikeswood said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Forza Motorsport 3 (X360)
47 9,391 1,472,324

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3)
Sony Computer Entertainment
127 9,096 1,112,354

I'm sorry but this has to be shown!

People need to stop doubting GT5, seriously!

Excellent spot, Darth.

A point well worth making. ;)

yeah.. I have another one... more people bought GT5P than pre-ordered GT5.

PS3 fans still assuming that all the people that bought GT5P will buy a new PS3 for GT5?

If there's an LE bundle, it's not that farfetched. I think Reach and FFXIII (granted, that was the series' entry into this generation) proved this.

I think Reach proves my point about hardware boosts.  Launch week looks like about 120K hardware bump.  Nice but nothing that says that 360 sales have been given a permanent boost of even 10%.  I expect similiar from GT5.  Few extra 100K and that will be it.

Before I comment, may I ask how much hardware Halo 3 boosted?

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

Acevil said:
kowenicki said:
wholikeswood said:

Oh man, Wii in fourth (and will stay that way post-Japan numbers).


Its hard to look at the Wii as anything other than a console in a rapid decline now...

Until it gets another price cut.

oh no doubt about that, though looking at how the last price cut performed now roughly a year later, what would they do next year ?

the $199 Wii is already selling less than the $249 Wii last year.

Though I'm not necessarily saying that a $149 Wii will perform just like the last price cut did. However it's possible.

Around the Network
Beuli2 said:
kowenicki said:
wholikeswood said:

Oh man, Wii in fourth (and will stay that way post-Japan numbers).


Its hard to look at the Wii as anything other than a console in a rapid decline now...

I call it a console without games launched for the year, but can call it whatever you want.

*is confused*

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Maynard_Tool said:
Seece said:
Maynard_Tool said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Maynard_Tool said:

Your comment about all 3 consoles being close in term of % in one year it's something redudant u have been saying for a while now....

I don't see why are you complaining

err no

Seece said THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN ANY GEN all 3 consoles will be in the 30% to 39% range in marketshare for a given year.

Now that is a pretty cool occurence, not redundant, just rare and something which should be pointed out.

I mean, he has said it a few times now, that is becoming redundant.... not that the fact of the 3 consoles being in the 30-39% range is something redundant.

I'm gonna be saying it as it reachs ever closer It's something that needs to be celebrated, HD consoles getting the marketshare they deserve.

Hahahaha well, then wait until December 31st to create the thread of it actually happening. I mean, if it stays like that at the end of the year. 

And HD consoles have the marketshare they deserve.They don't deserve more than they have

But yeah, when you know the war is lost, every small victory is worth celebrating...I guess.

Who needs to wait till the end of the year? If it happens it happens, still a milestone.

Not true, MS and Sony have worked their asses off a lot harder than Nintendo this gen, and they've delivered each year with no lull in games. (bar first year for PS3) They deserve more.

I don't care about Wii being first per say, I will celebrate when the 360, and even PS3 are ahead, because they deserve it more IMO.

Edit - and the 2nd place console beating the generation leader for 13 straight weeks is no "small victory"


Ms must be very pleased about 2010. I didnt think Reach > Halo 3 levels. I tought it would do something between ODST and Halo 3.

So amazing sales. 4M (Including japan) first week, and also a big boost in hw.

Dont know what to say about Move. I see som Ads on television, and if it only was cheaper it doesnt looks so bad (Need more games tough) and sales arent extremly bad.

I will cait some weeks to se if it drops like hell.

darthdevidem01 said:
Beuli2 said:
kowenicki said:
wholikeswood said:

Oh man, Wii in fourth (and will stay that way post-Japan numbers).


Its hard to look at the Wii as anything other than a console in a rapid decline now...

I call it a console without games launched for the year, but can call it whatever you want.

*is confused*

you forgot the best one:


and also:

SMG2, 0 hardware moved, quite average sales.

NMH, Red Steel & Metroid: Flops

Xenoblade: Ok, but not quite so great sales

WOW!! at halo guess sony shouldnt of released move anywhere near it