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Maynard_Tool said:
Seece said:
Maynard_Tool said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Maynard_Tool said:

Your comment about all 3 consoles being close in term of % in one year it's something redudant u have been saying for a while now....

I don't see why are you complaining

err no

Seece said THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN ANY GEN all 3 consoles will be in the 30% to 39% range in marketshare for a given year.

Now that is a pretty cool occurence, not redundant, just rare and something which should be pointed out.

I mean, he has said it a few times now, that is becoming redundant.... not that the fact of the 3 consoles being in the 30-39% range is something redundant.

I'm gonna be saying it as it reachs ever closer It's something that needs to be celebrated, HD consoles getting the marketshare they deserve.

Hahahaha well, then wait until December 31st to create the thread of it actually happening. I mean, if it stays like that at the end of the year. 

And HD consoles have the marketshare they deserve.They don't deserve more than they have

But yeah, when you know the war is lost, every small victory is worth celebrating...I guess.

Who needs to wait till the end of the year? If it happens it happens, still a milestone.

Not true, MS and Sony have worked their asses off a lot harder than Nintendo this gen, and they've delivered each year with no lull in games. (bar first year for PS3) They deserve more.

I don't care about Wii being first per say, I will celebrate when the 360, and even PS3 are ahead, because they deserve it more IMO.

Edit - and the 2nd place console beating the generation leader for 13 straight weeks is no "small victory"