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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do any of the Halo titles deserve critical acclaim?

max power said:
CollectiveCynic said:
max power said:
Of course Halo isn't worth the praise. The games are mediocre, and only received any attention because console FPS prior to Halo was sub-mediocre.

If the game were released on PC, it would have been met with mediocre reviews.
Oh wait, it was released on PC. And it was met with mediocre reviews.
(Yes, I know, it's an "inferior port," that offers higher resolution graphics, online gameplay, and the option of playing with a controller or m/kb).

Dude, have you actually done research or just making crap up in order to make yourself seem superior or elite? 

The PC Halo port has garnered very positive reviews.

It's arguable that Halo does rank up with classic PC shooters like Half-Life and Doom, I would explain why but I will allow former senior editor of GameSpot Greg Kasavin A.K.A. Best Game Critic Evar!!! to do that for me.


You're splitting hairs, I'd consider an 86 on gamerankings (83 on metacritic) to be pretty mediocre.  There were good parts, the score was great, the atmosphere was good, but the level design was just piss poor.  And while I thought the vehicle sections would be great, I felt the control scheme (pointing the camera rather than controlling the vehicle) really ruined it.  I'm not saying the game was terrible, it was just mediocre.

It's no about how you view it, it's about how they review it. To them, an eight means they found it good and how you would interpret it won't change their mindset. What? You think the world revolves around you when it comes to gaming? Don't try to twist and refute the arguments by making peripheral route of persuasions. The Halo 2 PC port wasn't well received, only averaging an 72% which meant they found it either decent or pretty good but not great. 

If there's one thing I somewhat agree with you, it's the level design, the indoor copy & paste interior levels are poor but the outdoor environments were expansive and varied. As for the vehicle controls, they're easy to handle as all you have to do is push the left analog forward and use the right analog to steer.

You're entitled to your opinion, but some of the claims and reasons for your opinion are wrong.

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hang on the xbox is owned by the kings of over rating and over hyping, Microsoft themselves so thread is pointless

"...the best way to prepare [to be a programmer] is to write programs, and to study great programs that other people have written. In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and fished out listings of their operating system." - Bill Gates (Microsoft Corporation)

"Hey, Steve, just because you broke into Xerox's house before I did and took the TV doesn't mean I can't go in later and take the stereo." - Bill Gates (Microsoft Corporation)

Bill Gates had Mac prototypes to work from, and he was known to be obsessed with trying to make Windows as good as SAND (Steve's Amazing New Device), as a Microsoft exec named it. It was the Mac that Microsoft took for its blueprint on how to make a GUI.


""Windows [n.] - A thirty-two bit extension and GUI shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor and sold by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.""

Bladeforce said:
hang on the xbox is owned by the kings of over rating and over hyping, Microsoft themselves so thread is pointless

What the f*#@ does that mean?

Dude, you seriously need to work on your grammer.

I am not a big fan of the Halo series, but the first game definitely deserves critical acclaim. What it did, it did extremely well and has been cloned numerous times by several companies. It made the online FPS highly relevant.

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CGI-Quality said:
CollectiveCynic said:
Bladeforce said:
hang on the xbox is owned by the kings of over rating and over hyping, Microsoft themselves so thread is pointless

What the f*#@ does that mean?

Dude, you seriously need to work on your grammer.

I'd suggest the advice even further.

According to Google, I spelled that word correctly. Google fails as much as I do apparently. 

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Yes and no. They are good in sense of what they do. They are shooters. Average in every sense of the word, but they great for the fact they are solid shooters. I've stated they are generic in the past, they are, their generic in all sense. They do nothing new or innovative. Add nothing to the shooter genre in terms of difference or improvement. They are just basic but solid shooters. As a reviewer, I agree with their average scores. I dont believe they deserve 10s, but they are definitely deserving of having their scores between 9 - 10. This of course doesnt include ODST which isnt worth a purchase till its $29.99.

As for Halo Wars... just no... its not the worst but deserves a 7 at best.

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yes th r overrated, i dnt knw why they get so high reviws

ssj12 said:
Yes and no. They are good in sense of what they do. They are shooters. Average in every sense of the word, but they great for the fact they are solid shooters. I've stated they are generic in the past, they are, their generic in all sense. They do nothing new or innovative. Add nothing to the shooter genre in terms of difference or improvement. They are just basic but solid shooters. As a reviewer, I agree with their average scores. I dont believe they deserve 10s, but they are definitely deserving of having their scores between 9 - 10. This of course doesnt include ODST which isnt worth a purchase till its $29.99.

As for Halo Wars... just no... its not the worst but deserves a 7 at best.

While I'm not a big fan of the series outside of the first Halo, I have to say it's one of the least generic first-person shooters out there.

CollectiveCynic said:
max power said:
CollectiveCynic said:
max power said:
Of course Halo isn't worth the praise. The games are mediocre, and only received any attention because console FPS prior to Halo was sub-mediocre.

If the game were released on PC, it would have been met with mediocre reviews.
Oh wait, it was released on PC. And it was met with mediocre reviews.
(Yes, I know, it's an "inferior port," that offers higher resolution graphics, online gameplay, and the option of playing with a controller or m/kb).

Dude, have you actually done research or just making crap up in order to make yourself seem superior or elite? 

The PC Halo port has garnered very positive reviews.

It's arguable that Halo does rank up with classic PC shooters like Half-Life and Doom, I would explain why but I will allow former senior editor of GameSpot Greg Kasavin A.K.A. Best Game Critic Evar!!! to do that for me.


You're splitting hairs, I'd consider an 86 on gamerankings (83 on metacritic) to be pretty mediocre.  There were good parts, the score was great, the atmosphere was good, but the level design was just piss poor.  And while I thought the vehicle sections would be great, I felt the control scheme (pointing the camera rather than controlling the vehicle) really ruined it.  I'm not saying the game was terrible, it was just mediocre.

It's no about how you view it, it's about how they review it. To them, an eight means they found it good and how you would interpret it won't change their mindset. What? You think the world revolves around you when it comes to gaming? Don't try to twist and refute the arguments by making peripheral route of persuasions. The Halo 2 PC port wasn't well received, only averaging an 72% which meant they found it either decent or pretty good but not great. 

If there's one thing I somewhat agree with you, it's the level design, the indoor copy & paste interior levels are poor but the outdoor environments were expansive and varied. As for the vehicle controls, they're easy to handle as all you have to do is push the left analog forward and use the right analog to steer.

You're entitled to your opinion, but some of the claims and reasons for your opinion are wrong.

Hey, at least you agree with me about the levels.  I really think Halo 1 could've been a great game with a few changes, and fixing that copy/paste level design is #1.

amp316 said:
I am not a big fan of the Halo series, but the first game definitely deserves critical acclaim. What it did, it did extremely well and has been cloned numerous times by several companies. It made the online FPS highly relevant.

Quake made the online FPS highly relevant.  People still play it today, actually.