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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario Galaxy is so over rated

How is that a joke thread about Galaxy turned into a homosexuality discussion? lol

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fagarcia75 said:
Rol said:

5) There's nothing wrong with being gay.

I know that our society is being bombarding with this, but the fact of the matter is homosexuality is a perversion of what God created. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Even if you do not believe in God and are an evolutionist, bieng gay goes against that too. How can one have survival of the fittest when one is not producing after his own kind?

Hmm, no, homosexuality is not against evolution. For evolution to work you need individuals to be slightly different from one another and the fittest survives while the less fit dies out (simplified a lot but that's the gist) which means that there will be a lot of evolutionary dead ends, homosexuality being one of them as they rarely reproduce. It just seems to be a dead end that nature keeps trying over and over.

I have heard many testimonies from people who were in the gay lifestyle and struggled with it. The main struggle for many was the fact that society was pushing this concept of being gay is o.k. down their throat, but all along they knew it was wrong.

The fact of the matter is the homosexual lifestyle is a perversion of that which God made, and that which is natural.

So if homosexuality is against nature why are there so many animal species displaying homosexual/bisexual tendencies? Maybe you should go and do some research on the Bonobos.

Also, it is hypocritical for religious people to claim that this or that is against nature as religions is, by definition, against nature. If it was not it would be easy to follow God's commandments as it would be in our nature but instead we have a violent and highly libidinous nature which means that following God's will of having a peaceful, monogamistic life is going against nature.

For those that would say that scientist have proven it is genetically inherrited, other scientist have proven the exact opposite; that it is not genetically inherrited.

Does it matter wether it comes from nature or nurture?

Ultimately, this is not so much a problem in and of itself, but is one of many snares in which man chooses to enslave himself to. The answer is not to rid the world of homosexuality, but to proclaim three truths. 1. All have sinned. 2. Jesus Christ died on the Cross for that sin. 3. Simple faith in what Christ Jesus did for us can lead to saving faith. Faith that grants us a relationship with Jesus Christ, and faith that leads to an eternity in heaven for those who recieve Jesus.

I realize that I'm probably going to get flamed big time for this, but that is O.K. I am not going to attempt to anwer all the rebuttals and attack of this (assuming they will come). My simple prayer is that someone who would read this would come to the same freedom that some friends of mine have come to. Friends who were slaves to the homosexual lifestyle. DON'T BELIEVE THE LIE. Homosexuality is not a birth defect, it is a choice and many times an addiction. There is freedom in Christ, not just from homosexual tendencies, but from all sin.

Tell me this, when did you choose to like girls? Because if homosexuals choose to like men/women (depending on your gender) then it must means that everybody else chose to like women/men and as a non-homophobic heterosexual with a keen appreciation of the feminine forms I can tell you that I didn't choose to be that way anymore than I chose to be male or to have blue be my favorite colour.


I will agree that homosexuality is against the teachings of the Bible and that homosexuals that believe in Christ should turn away from that lifestyle to be in line with their belief in the same way that heterosexuals that believe in Christ should turn away from debauchery and should lose their virginity on their wedding night but that is their choice to do so to follow their own beliefs and there is nothing wrong with other homosexuals following that lifestyle if it doesn't contradict your personal beliefs.

 Bulletstopper said:

"When Bioshock came out and got 10 out of 10 I had suspicions that Carmen Elektra probably came out of the TV and gave everyone a BJ whilst they played."

That's why I give SMG a 11/10. Princess Peach came out of my TV, gave me a BJ while I was playing and let me do the nasty when I took a break. 



"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


For all those off topic:

Please drop the gay talk. This thread is no place for this shit. I do not care about your opinions about religion or homosexuality. Make a new thread if you must.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

fagarcia75 said:
FightingGameGuy said:
@Nintendo_fanboy: I think Fargacia75 is promoting a different kind of freedom. I don't think he's talking about freedom to choose a course of actions without legal punishment, but freedom from sin, or the freedom to best live up to one's ideals, such as the image of Christ, in spite of the depravity of man.

If you do not think freedoms of this sort exist, consider a similar one where such a freedom would be a great boon: all the people who have addictions, who want to be something different but for a long time can't. Is their choice to partake in their addictions really an exercise in freedom? Or would they not be more free if they could be rid of their addiction?

I believe freedom from sin refers to a sort of freedom of this type. Many people want to live up to the ideals of their teachings, but constantly falter in some cases due to what in Christianity teaches to be the depravity of man, his bondage to sin. But Christianity also teaches that Jesus, through his words and the Holy Spirit, can help people gain freedom from this bondage.

Does this explanation satisfy your question, Nintendo_fanboy? If not I'd be happy to continue to try to answer any further questions you put forward, but I do not know whether this is the proper forum for such discussion.

very well spoken, thanks.

So why don't you go live your life the way you want and let everyone else do the same thing.

How is calling homosexuality a sin and an addiction any different than someone saying the same thing about your religious beliefs.  Watching some of these promise keepers or some of these other ultra religious ceremonies with all the gesticulating and fainting certainly supports the idea that religion is an addiction.

Some people just need a strong spiritual element in their lives to stay balanced and others don't.  Problems start when one side thinks they are "right" and the other side is "wrong".  Just because your religion thinks homosexuality is wrong, that doesn't make it wrong for everyone else. 

ya know, I'm gonna just get to the point. I Didn't Go as far as what It'saMii Said sarcastically (or not).

Here's how it was for me:

I would not have bought the game/got it until Christmas if SSBB had not been DELAYED

I Thought early reviews seemed over-rated, and hype could not live up.

Bought Game, got home, started to play

Totally underestimated the game in gameplay, graphics (it's a beautiful game, It's going to force me to buy component cables for this game, and future games)

Could not stop smiling the whole time I played the game. It is a totally different experience than many other games. There are many innovations, like Star Bit Collecting (which took out the chore of grabbing them) and Star Bit Shooting.

Very FEW Games have done this to me. Halo is not one of them, and neither is Gears Of War. I'm not putting either of those games down, as they are great, just for completely different reasons. SSB And SSBM are are other games that have, along with various Sonic, Mario, and Zelda, titles, and a few Others.

Haven't finished it yet (on a trip so i can't play ) I am aiming for all 120 stars.

I seriously underestimated this game. It deserves everything it's getting, maybe more. If you haven't played it, don't say anyting about it. (And no, the Gamestop Kiosk doesn't count)

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From a rather un-unique yet mildly entertaining thread (due to the hard work put in by the original poster) this has turned into a complete and utter trainwreck and total POS thread. Well done gay bashers (and I mean "well done" in the worst sort of way).

ItsaMii said:

I must tell the truth about this game. I have not played it yet, but it is my duty to tell the truth about the corrupt gaming media hyping this average game. Mario games are going downhill since Mario 2 (the best of them all). I will share some facts with you guys:

1) Mario Galaxy only uses one Gamecube of the 2 ductaped together inside the Wii. This produces subpar graphics that are barelly near the level of Crysis for PC.

2) It was dumbed down for the stupid casual audience. The game is so easy you can not even compare it to Viewtifull Joe on V-rated, Ghouls and Goblins or the original Ninja Gaiden.

3) Reliable sources reported that the game can be finished in 7 hours (15 if you collect all stars). It is embarassingly short, one could speedrun it in 4 hours.

4) No replay value. After defeating the last boss, all you can do is collect more stupid stars. You can also replay the game with the secret character, but this is not as deep as collecting skulls in Halo or dog tags in Metal Gear.

5) The game corrupts children. With its secret gay messages the game tries to keep your kids away from the right path.

6) The hype is already fading. Reviewers can try to fool us, but the truth is that no one cares about MG anymore. The game bombed hard. In just 2 weeks it barely sold more than 1.300.000 units.

7) There is no online play. This is the future Nintendo, how can you release shit that has no online multiplayer.

8) The story is so bad that I will not even talk about it.

9) The controls are awkward. There is no support for mouse and keyboard even though Wii supports keyboard. Motion controls are gimmick like everything else on the Wii.

10) Enviroments are repetitive and dull. The colors are lacking and details are scarce.

This is a 6/10 game.


ItsaYii that thinks this, and onlyaYii...


1. Wii is more powerful than Xbox.

2. It is not dumbed down. You can play it "easy," or you can play it "hard." Speed running it is "hard," and collecting everything is "hard," but just beating the last Bowser may be "easy."

3. Collecting all 120 stars will take much longer than 7 hours. Besides, Super Mario Bros. for the NES can be finished in 5 minutes, if you're one of the greatest players for that game.

4. There is lots of replay value, especially if you are planning to speed run through the game. It has as much replay value as any other 3D platformer.

5. Only those with sick minds would interpret certain messages into something of homosexuality.

6. Hype is not fading, nor will it ever fade. Perhaps, instead of selling massively around release date, and then slowing down as  time goes by, the game will sell at a good, steady pace, for long-term.

7. It's the first 3D Mario platformer that can be played by two players. Is that not good enough? Besides, how would it work online?

8. Mario games are not about the story. The story serves to give reason to playing the game. It's mainly just a glue that puts the game together.

9. Controls are perfect. You're just not very good at the game.

10. Environments are always new, and fresh. The colors are bright, and plentiful, and details are abundant.

Super Mario Bros. 2 U.S.A. is one of the worst Mario games, for it is not even a true Mario game, and you know this. I assume that this is all just a joke. But still...

Wow, wow, wow... I never read the second page of this thread, before I submitted the post above... How did this thread go so off course?

What the hell is with you cristian people? don't you see you have ruined the thread.

What the hell is up with you people who keep going on about the Christian people?

Everyone needs to drop it. Now. ItsaMii, you should get a mod in here to enforce getting discussion back on track.