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ya know, I'm gonna just get to the point. I Didn't Go as far as what It'saMii Said sarcastically (or not).

Here's how it was for me:

I would not have bought the game/got it until Christmas if SSBB had not been DELAYED

I Thought early reviews seemed over-rated, and hype could not live up.

Bought Game, got home, started to play

Totally underestimated the game in gameplay, graphics (it's a beautiful game, It's going to force me to buy component cables for this game, and future games)

Could not stop smiling the whole time I played the game. It is a totally different experience than many other games. There are many innovations, like Star Bit Collecting (which took out the chore of grabbing them) and Star Bit Shooting.

Very FEW Games have done this to me. Halo is not one of them, and neither is Gears Of War. I'm not putting either of those games down, as they are great, just for completely different reasons. SSB And SSBM are are other games that have, along with various Sonic, Mario, and Zelda, titles, and a few Others.

Haven't finished it yet (on a trip so i can't play ) I am aiming for all 120 stars.

I seriously underestimated this game. It deserves everything it's getting, maybe more. If you haven't played it, don't say anyting about it. (And no, the Gamestop Kiosk doesn't count)