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fagarcia75 said:
Rol said:

5) There's nothing wrong with being gay.

I know that our society is being bombarding with this, but the fact of the matter is homosexuality is a perversion of what God created. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Even if you do not believe in God and are an evolutionist, bieng gay goes against that too. How can one have survival of the fittest when one is not producing after his own kind?

Hmm, no, homosexuality is not against evolution. For evolution to work you need individuals to be slightly different from one another and the fittest survives while the less fit dies out (simplified a lot but that's the gist) which means that there will be a lot of evolutionary dead ends, homosexuality being one of them as they rarely reproduce. It just seems to be a dead end that nature keeps trying over and over.

I have heard many testimonies from people who were in the gay lifestyle and struggled with it. The main struggle for many was the fact that society was pushing this concept of being gay is o.k. down their throat, but all along they knew it was wrong.

The fact of the matter is the homosexual lifestyle is a perversion of that which God made, and that which is natural.

So if homosexuality is against nature why are there so many animal species displaying homosexual/bisexual tendencies? Maybe you should go and do some research on the Bonobos.

Also, it is hypocritical for religious people to claim that this or that is against nature as religions is, by definition, against nature. If it was not it would be easy to follow God's commandments as it would be in our nature but instead we have a violent and highly libidinous nature which means that following God's will of having a peaceful, monogamistic life is going against nature.

For those that would say that scientist have proven it is genetically inherrited, other scientist have proven the exact opposite; that it is not genetically inherrited.

Does it matter wether it comes from nature or nurture?

Ultimately, this is not so much a problem in and of itself, but is one of many snares in which man chooses to enslave himself to. The answer is not to rid the world of homosexuality, but to proclaim three truths. 1. All have sinned. 2. Jesus Christ died on the Cross for that sin. 3. Simple faith in what Christ Jesus did for us can lead to saving faith. Faith that grants us a relationship with Jesus Christ, and faith that leads to an eternity in heaven for those who recieve Jesus.

I realize that I'm probably going to get flamed big time for this, but that is O.K. I am not going to attempt to anwer all the rebuttals and attack of this (assuming they will come). My simple prayer is that someone who would read this would come to the same freedom that some friends of mine have come to. Friends who were slaves to the homosexual lifestyle. DON'T BELIEVE THE LIE. Homosexuality is not a birth defect, it is a choice and many times an addiction. There is freedom in Christ, not just from homosexual tendencies, but from all sin.

Tell me this, when did you choose to like girls? Because if homosexuals choose to like men/women (depending on your gender) then it must means that everybody else chose to like women/men and as a non-homophobic heterosexual with a keen appreciation of the feminine forms I can tell you that I didn't choose to be that way anymore than I chose to be male or to have blue be my favorite colour.


I will agree that homosexuality is against the teachings of the Bible and that homosexuals that believe in Christ should turn away from that lifestyle to be in line with their belief in the same way that heterosexuals that believe in Christ should turn away from debauchery and should lose their virginity on their wedding night but that is their choice to do so to follow their own beliefs and there is nothing wrong with other homosexuals following that lifestyle if it doesn't contradict your personal beliefs.

 Bulletstopper said:

"When Bioshock came out and got 10 out of 10 I had suspicions that Carmen Elektra probably came out of the TV and gave everyone a BJ whilst they played."

That's why I give SMG a 11/10. Princess Peach came out of my TV, gave me a BJ while I was playing and let me do the nasty when I took a break. 



"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"