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Forums - PC Discussion - Official Star Craft 2 Beta Thread

aragod said:
Gnizmo said:
I have been trying to work out a build order for a Thor rush. I can't seem to streamline it well enough though. They always come out a bit late, and then get crushed by sheer numbers even with SCV support. Think you could share the replay so I might learn something from it?

From what I've seen of Thor rushes (harash). The build order is something like 10 rax, 10 gas > 1 more to gas, return it after OC is build on 15, rax build tech lab, immediatly factory, immediatly starport + armory > thor + medivac and go for drop.

It's really hard to find the crucial balance for worker distribution, you have to move gas - minerals and vice versa to be able to instantly build everything you need. But the main use of this tactic from what I've seen is thor drop. Medivac + thor, drop behind mineral line or near his exp and let thor rape everything, if he's in trouble just load him and either go repair him back to base or just drop him somewhere else. You can do fuckloads of damage this way.

But thor rush (drop) isn't really that kind of cheese which would allow you to insta win. It's just an option to force your opponent's economy behind yours, you have to figure out some transition for midgame, or else you are screwed (unless you play against giant noob).

BTW Thor's are strong enough as they are now, they are imba against both air (splash) and ground, with instagib ability for both ground and barracks. If you need to strenghten your Thor, have 2-3 scv's follow him and repair, now reinforce this with couple of marauders with medivac support and you have unstoppable army right there.

Actually, I think I may try a variant of this... I'd be inclined to modify the drop though.. by the time a thor is out, you can have 2 medivacs I think (assuming you start a starport and armory close together) so a thor, 2-3 SCVs and 5-6 marines would give the thor the backup it needs incase the opponent has some decent tier 1 forces...

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Jereel Hunter said:
aragod said:
Gnizmo said:
I have been trying to work out a build order for a Thor rush. I can't seem to streamline it well enough though. They always come out a bit late, and then get crushed by sheer numbers even with SCV support. Think you could share the replay so I might learn something from it?

From what I've seen of Thor rushes (harash). The build order is something like 10 rax, 10 gas > 1 more to gas, return it after OC is build on 15, rax build tech lab, immediatly factory, immediatly starport + armory > thor + medivac and go for drop.

It's really hard to find the crucial balance for worker distribution, you have to move gas - minerals and vice versa to be able to instantly build everything you need. But the main use of this tactic from what I've seen is thor drop. Medivac + thor, drop behind mineral line or near his exp and let thor rape everything, if he's in trouble just load him and either go repair him back to base or just drop him somewhere else. You can do fuckloads of damage this way.

But thor rush (drop) isn't really that kind of cheese which would allow you to insta win. It's just an option to force your opponent's economy behind yours, you have to figure out some transition for midgame, or else you are screwed (unless you play against giant noob).

BTW Thor's are strong enough as they are now, they are imba against both air (splash) and ground, with instagib ability for both ground and barracks. If you need to strenghten your Thor, have 2-3 scv's follow him and repair, now reinforce this with couple of marauders with medivac support and you have unstoppable army right there.

Actually, I think I may try a variant of this... I'd be inclined to modify the drop though.. by the time a thor is out, you can have 2 medivacs I think (assuming you start a starport and armory close together) so a thor, 2-3 SCVs and 5-6 marines would give the thor the backup it needs incase the opponent has some decent tier 1 forces...

If you do this right, you will have the thor just a little later than first med, the main thing about the thor drop is the harash, thor can easily take out enemy workers and small units (as long as they aren't anti armor). Your only object should be to cause chaos, hinder his economy progress and get "ahead". I haven't seen many situations, where you could decide the match with thor drop (even with support). The key is to catch your enemy outside his base at the right time. Great thing about thors is their range combined with damage against ground. You can drop thor on ledges that are separated from his main by a gap and shoot from there, outranging pretty much everything except for maybe siege tanks and Colossi (which sucks balls against thors). Desert Oasis or Kulas Ravine are great maps to abuse thor's range.

But be prepared for the midgame transition, don't put all the stakes on success of this drop, you should be able to come back even if you lose it. If you are playing in a low league (up to silver I'd say), you can terrorize your enemy with it's mobility fairly well, it's hard to counter thors, especially with medivac transport. They destroy both air and ground, just don't let them get zerged (yeah I said it). Good luck!

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

Also scouting is a key for successful thor drop, if he's going for early push, you might want to go tanks instead or cement in and mass rax production.

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

Here's a good replay of a Thor drop rush build for the gentlemen asking about it.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

I finally caved and pre-ordered from GameStop (something I never do).

So I just received my beta key. My identifier is TruckOSaurus.fred if anyone is interested in kicking my ass. I've yet to play a game because I've got to go to work now but I'll try to get into it this weekend.

Signature goes here!

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I'll add you in a bit Truck, and we can play some. I do not believe in taking it easy on people, but I also suck so it will balance out for you.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Tried to add you. It didn't work :(

I guess we are from different regions then.


Gnizmo said:
I'll add you in a bit Truck, and we can play some. I do not believe in taking it easy on people, but I also suck so it will balance out for you.

Hey guys, add me too, Jereel.Jereel (I tried Jereel.Hunter, but apparently that name was inappropriate. Does hunter mean something I'm unaware of??)

I'm on most nights, and definately wouldn't mind getting some games going.



@KungKras: I'm in Canada. I didn't know we could only play people from our region?

@Gnizmo, Jereel Hunter: I'll add you guys tonight or on Saturday.

I don't want anybody to give me some slack, I'll learn the hard way... by getting crushed to the ground repeatedly.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
@KungKras: I'm in Canada. I didn't know we could only play people from our region?

Unfortunately, the beta is regional and not worldwide.

And it seems like everyone that has a beta key on VGC is non-european :(