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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is your favorite Metal Gear Solid Game?


What is your favorite Metal Gear Solid Game?

Metal Gear Solid 77 30.43%
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 22 8.70%
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 72 28.46%
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 56 22.13%
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops 3 1.19%
I like two or more equally 23 9.09%
AnarchyWest said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:
Deradorn said:
I voted for MGS but they should have had an option for Twin Snakes it my preferred version. Great story with MGS2 graphics.

I didn't include Twin Snakes because it was a remake. Plus, a lot of people thought the game's cut scenes were cheesy, as Kojima did not use MGS2 graphics, instead he experimented with different graphics.

Kojima didn't develop TTS I believe he was a supervising producer similar to Rising right now

He was sort of behind the cheesy cutscenes though.  Kitamura's team originally did the cinemas more faithfully to MGS1, Kojima rejected it and asked them to differentiate everything and make it more over the top.

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jarrod said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:
Deradorn said:
I voted for MGS but they should have had an option for Twin Snakes it my preferred version. Great story with MGS2 graphics.

I didn't include Twin Snakes because it was a remake. Plus, a lot of people thought the game's cut scenes were cheesy, as Kojima did not use MGS2 graphics, instead he experimented with different graphics.

MGS1 is itself really just a remake though, of Metal Gear 2.

Honestly, I think Twin Snakes would've been a better option than Portable Ops (which isn't even a full MGS).

MGS2 is itself just a remake though, of Metal Gear Solid which itself is a remake of Metal Gear 2

TTS is not canon, MGS1 is, the poll is about the main saga, which should include MG and MG2 (MSX2 versions) but the OP decided to leave them out, so PO should be there

jarrod said:
AnarchyWest said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:
Deradorn said:
I voted for MGS but they should have had an option for Twin Snakes it my preferred version. Great story with MGS2 graphics.

I didn't include Twin Snakes because it was a remake. Plus, a lot of people thought the game's cut scenes were cheesy, as Kojima did not use MGS2 graphics, instead he experimented with different graphics.

Kojima didn't develop TTS I believe he was a supervising producer similar to Rising right now

He was sort of behind the cheesy cutscenes though.  Kitamura's team originally did the cinemas more faithfully to MGS1, Kojima rejected it and asked them to differentiate everything and make it more over the top.

you have a link to all this?

AnarchyWest said:
jarrod said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:
Deradorn said:
I voted for MGS but they should have had an option for Twin Snakes it my preferred version. Great story with MGS2 graphics.

I didn't include Twin Snakes because it was a remake. Plus, a lot of people thought the game's cut scenes were cheesy, as Kojima did not use MGS2 graphics, instead he experimented with different graphics.

MGS1 is itself really just a remake though, of Metal Gear 2.

Honestly, I think Twin Snakes would've been a better option than Portable Ops (which isn't even a full MGS).

MGS2 is itself just a remake though, of Metal Gear Solid which itself is a remake of Metal Gear 2

TTS is not canon, MGS1 is, the poll is about the main saga, which should include MG and MG2 (MSX2 versions) but the OP decided to leave them out, so PO should be there

The canon diverges.  MG2, Snake's Revenge, MGS1, Twin Snakes and Ghost Babel are all essentially "alternate timelines" following MG1.  MG2 and MGS1 literally can't exist in the same canon, though I'm not sure if Kojima ever gave a preference for one or the other.  

AnarchyWest said:
jarrod said:
AnarchyWest said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:
Deradorn said:
I voted for MGS but they should have had an option for Twin Snakes it my preferred version. Great story with MGS2 graphics.

I didn't include Twin Snakes because it was a remake. Plus, a lot of people thought the game's cut scenes were cheesy, as Kojima did not use MGS2 graphics, instead he experimented with different graphics.

Kojima didn't develop TTS I believe he was a supervising producer similar to Rising right now

He was sort of behind the cheesy cutscenes though.  Kitamura's team originally did the cinemas more faithfully to MGS1, Kojima rejected it and asked them to differentiate everything and make it more over the top.

you have a link to all this?


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MGS2 is my favorite and the first I played. I really wasn't expecting such a thrilling and awe inspiring game. I couldn't turn it off and the plot twists at the end were cool. I didn't mind playing as Raiden because I didn't know anything of Snake. MGS3 was very good as well. Never played MGS 1 for ps1. I bought MGS4 but haven't gotten around to finishing it. Not sure why, the overall feel for the game and less need for stealth maybe? I'm sure I'll finish it one of these days.

SickleSigh said:
MGS2 is my favorite and the first I played. I really wasn't expecting such a thrilling and awe inspiring game. I couldn't turn it off and the plot twists at the end were cool. I didn't mind playing as Raiden because I didn't know anything of Snake. MGS3 was very good as well. Never played MGS 1 for ps1. I bought MGS4 but haven't gotten around to finishing it. Not sure why, the overall feel for the game and less need for stealth maybe? I'm sure I'll finish it one of these days.

You have a good point. If you didn't play MGS1, chances are that you liked Raiden and you probably liked the game a lot. Even the people who beat MGS1 liked MGS2, but not nearly as much because of Raiden, Rose, and the more narrative approach to the game. Plus, Solidus Snake was not nearly as great/memorable of a villain when compared to Liquid Snake or Liquid Ocelot (MGS4). 


@Anarchy West- Metal Gear was not included as it was not a Metal Gear Solid game. 

Human contact, the final frontier.

Hmmm hard to say, definitely not Portable Ops.

1st - MGS4 - Just because it was the finale and is the best PS3 game i own.
2nd - MGS - First MGS game i played favourite PS1 game.
3rd - MGS3 - Another great game.
4th - MGS2 - One of my favourites but the story lets it down.

Frieza said:
Hmmm hard to say, definitely not Portable Ops.

1st - MGS4 - Just because it was the finale and is the best PS3 game i own.
2nd - MGS - First MGS game i played favourite PS1 game.
3rd - MGS3 - Another great game.
4th - MGS2 - One of my favourites but the story lets it down.

That is my order, except I think of MGS4 and MGS as 1a and 1b.


I am curious to see anyone think of a rational explanation to back PO as #1 MGS game. I thought it was going to get 1 vote

Human contact, the final frontier.

And just to add i never had a problem with Raiden, had Snake not been in MGS2 at all thats one thing but he was. Rose however was annoying and the main villain Solidus was forgettable.

I dont think people mind Raiden anymore after MGS4, we'll see how MGS Rising is.