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Forums - Sony Discussion - With Microsoft owning Call of Duty, Sony should revive Socom

Now that the ownership of Cally of Duty (along with the rest of Activision Blizzard) is complete, this is the time for Sony to develop a contigency plan. The COD franchise brings in a great deal of money for Sony. One would think that at least some of that money can be used to put some muscle behind some dormant franchises that Sony has in the Playstation library. One such game they should look to is Socom. Sure, it's not the same kind of mainstream game COD is, but it is a military game for the hardcore tactical gamer. If Sony is considering some revivals, this one should be among the top of the list.

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Sony could team up with EA for Medal of Honor. Besides, they have quite a lot of shooter ip's themselves, haven't they.

EA kinda have their own problems. That PS360 Medal of Honor didn't do well at all, it's in about just as bad a position as Socom, maybe even worse. Plus I doubt they'll want to sink energy into that when they're still trying to push battlefield. They already tried to push medal of honor and battlefield at the same time with poor results

GoOnKid said:

Sony could team up with EA for Medal of Honor. Besides, they have quite a lot of shooter ip's themselves, haven't they.

I'd go with this. Associating MoH with Sony brand would be wise, especially if they can find a way to bring all the older games to PS4/ PS5, especially the VR one.

The IP is being headed by Respawn or something now, isn't it?

They could revive many FPS IPs they own or just make a new one.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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I think Sony needs FPS, and not Socom that is a TPS.
They can create a New IP, but no need to rush, CoD Will be on Playstation for the next 10 years.

They will not, they're gonna make the safe choice of riding that 10 year deals of COD on their console and hoping by then, that one of their live service games takes up the mantle.

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Manlytears said:

I think Sony needs FPS, and not Socom that is a TPS.
They can create a New IP, but no need to rush, CoD Will be on Playstation for the next 10 years.

Ten years can easily fly by. They really can't afford to just sit on their hands. Especially with how long it takes games to be made these days

Making a new FPS to counter Call of Duty is gonna be tough especially if its only going to be on one or two platforms.

They have 12 live service games planned. I'm not sure they need anything else, especially with CoD staying multiplatform.