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Forums - Sony Discussion - With Microsoft owning Call of Duty, Sony should revive Socom

I would think Bungie could always lend a hand on a first person shooters down the line if it looks like COD is going away 10 years from now.

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smroadkill15 said:

They have 12 live service games planned. I'm not sure they need anything else, especially with CoD staying multiplatform.

No they don't, they have six, not 12. And who says they have to treat it like a live service game?

lgs20XP said:
smroadkill15 said:

They have 12 live service games planned. I'm not sure they need anything else, especially with CoD staying multiplatform.

No they don't, they have six, not 12. And who says they have to treat it like a live service game?

They still have 12. Half are planned to release by 2025. The rest afterwards. 

The good old days of multiplayer are gone. If they bring Socom back, it's very likely going to be live service. 

I would love to see Sony bring back SOCOM, however with Zipper Interactive gone, here's who I would like to see lead the effort. If they intend to keep it as a TPS, then have Naughty Dog lead. If they want to change it to a FPS, then have Bungie lead.

PlayStation needs a massively popular multiplayer game in general to counter Call of Duty. Even if its something unique like Rocket League or Honkai Star Rail.

Sony forcing one of their first party developers to bring back a dormant IP like Socom will be a catastrophe. If a studio like Bluepoint wants to work on it, then that's a different scenario.

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lgs20XP said:
Manlytears said:

I think Sony needs FPS, and not Socom that is a TPS.
They can create a New IP, but no need to rush, CoD Will be on Playstation for the next 10 years.

Ten years can easily fly by. They really can't afford to just sit on their hands. Especially with how long it takes games to be made these days

It may never stop being a Multiplat...

What Sony realy needs is to keep lead close to 2:1. If Playstation dominantes the market, MS will not take CoD away. To do this, they need to make the best possible games for Playstation and not focus on "CoD-killers" while CoD is still on Playstation.

Last edited by Manlytears - on 24 November 2023

Do you mean a military shooter specifically because Concord is obviously scheduled for 2024 and is a multi-player competitive FPS made by a studio comprising of devs who worked on Halo, Destiny, Apex legends, Call of Duty etc

Does sony even have the rights to SOCOM,it is a US military organization of tier 1 units

Probably not 


Cueil said:

Does sony even have the rights to SOCOM
