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A blast from the past :)

However theres no end to brexit.... theres still checks that need to be done, that arnt being ect.
Talks of more drastic deregulation, doing away with protections (eg. so you can polute more)...

Shaun87 said:

fine thanks

A year ago, to the day, the currency (the pound) was almost 23% stronger than it is today (vs the usd).
Theres no doubt, that purchaseing power dropped, ontop of inflation.... the avg Brit, is much worse off today, than pre-brexit.
(granted, most places had it better in 2016)

Michael Gove knows he lied about Brexit but won't admit it.

Arch-Brexiter MP Bill Cash can't name one financial benefit to Brexit!

Brexit export champion calls in administrators

ect ect ect.

"This is fine" dog fire meme.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 05 October 2022

Around the Network

The opinion polls are rolling in:

YouGov - 54% Labour, 21% Conmen
Techne - 47% Labour, 27% Conmen
Survation - 49% Labour, 28% Conmen
People Polling - 50% Labour, 20% Conmen
Omnisis - 55% Labour, 23% Conmen
The Observer - 46%% Labour, 27% Conmen (and this is their best one)
Savants ComRes - 50% Labour, 25% Conmen
Redfield Wilton - 52% Labour, 24% Conmen

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Every time I tune into UK and hear something from Liz Truss, it’s always whining about how terrible all sorts of people in the UK are. I can see why she’s tanked the Conservatives.

She is now targeting something called “Brexit deniers” - what’s that? Someone who doesn’t believe Brexit has happened? Like how Holocaust deniers don’t believe the Holocaust happened? That’s fairy stupid of her.
People living in townhouses and “militant unions” - sounds like a code for working class people. Not sure what unions are militants, but it sounds like some kind of foot hyperbole to make working class people sound like a threat to public safety. Because if you’re working class and not in a union, you’re either unfortunate because you don’t have access to support, or a fucking fool.
Environmentalists, she’s against them, people concerned about animal extinction. I guess she wants to go on safari or something, shoot the remaining rhinos and Mountain Gorillas.
Broadcasters and podcast era, sounds like she’s against the news for reporting on how much of a fucking disaster she’s been.

But I’ll raise my beer mug to the UK, because it looks like you’re not re-electing her or her party.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

The Financial Times have released a nice little analysis video yesterday, not just on how it's going, but also how we really got there in the first place and how it will go forward:

Bofferbrauer2 said:

The Financial Times have released a nice little analysis video yesterday, not just on how it's going, but also how we really got there in the first place and how it will go forward:

lol this video suddenly appeared on my YouTube feed today and after watching it I was thinking about posting it here.

Also when I clicked on it, it had 66.666 upvotes which is a funny number.

Around the Network
Barozi said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

The Financial Times have released a nice little analysis video yesterday, not just on how it's going, but also how we really got there in the first place and how it will go forward:

lol this video suddenly appeared on my YouTube feed today and after watching it I was thinking about posting it here.

Also when I clicked on it, it had 66.666 upvotes which is a funny number.

There you can see who planned Brexit

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Barozi said:

lol this video suddenly appeared on my YouTube feed today and after watching it I was thinking about posting it here.

Also when I clicked on it, it had 66.666 upvotes which is a funny number.

There you can see who planned Brexit

The rich elite (& bankers), who wanted to avoid, closeing tax loops by EU.
And the russian's who wanted to weaken the EU, thus also supported it (donations to think tanks, who spoke into ears of politicans).
The Investers that wanted to exploit "disaster capitalism", and get rich off of UK doing worse, could easily predict outcomes, ensureing self profits.

Who its not for?

The majority of people that voted for it, based on meaningless slogans, and lies told to them (by a rightwing media groups).
I view it like, if the USA only had Fox News. A free and non-baised press, is actually important if you want people not sold on lies & propaganda.
Sadly alot of it is controlled by small groups of the super rich, who dont always want people well informed.

I think the most strikeing of these videos are the Guardian's "Anywhere but Westminster" series.
Where a reporter goes out visiting country side, towns/villages (no really london), but rest of the UK.

You see UK is actually alot poorer//worse off than most would assume.


Case in point:

James O'Brien tries to find out whata Brexit voter thinks they voted for | LBC

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 06 November 2022

James O’Brien is one of the very few opinion people in the media I like. While he does dabble in drama, he he tends to balance it out with a lot of sober talk and authentic civility and gives the benefit of the doubt rather than a cynical approach to the callers that disagree with him - and often knocks the cynicism out of his callers.

I recommend everyone tune into his show or check out his clips on YouTube. Especially if you don’t agree with him politically, you might be better able to clarify or adjust your own positions toward your own personal needs and values for the better.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.