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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Ultimate Pokemon Competition Gen 7 Edition Round 1 - Match 2

Approved by Cycycychris

Welcome everyone to a new uran10 pokemon competition, which is pretty much a rehash of an old competition only with some new pokemon! This tournament will feature all 827 pokemon (alolan forms are counted as their own) and will crown who is VGC's favourite pokemon of the first 7 generations of pokemon. In Round 1 there will be 25 matches, 23 matches will feature 33 pokemon while the first 2 matches will feature 34. 19 of these Pokemon will advance to the 2nd round and the 20th and 21st place will be given a 2nd chance in a special bonus round.

Even though there are 33/34 Pokemon per round you are only voting for the 10 you think should advance like in the example below:

10p Wartortle

9p Squirtle

8p cyndaquil

7p chimchar

6p turtwig

5p poliwag

4p caterpie

3p Pikachu

2p Ledyba

1p Pichu

Match 1 Results:

1) Bulbasaur 85 points

2) Totodile 58 points

3) Feraligatr 49 points

4) Plusle 46 points

5) Haunter 40 points

6) Geodude 34 points

7) Donphan and Teddiursa 25 Points

9) Cinccino 24 Points

10) Slowbro and Servine 23 Points

12) Starly and Aron 17 Points

14) Mr. Mime 16 Points

15) Paras, Krabby and Amaura 15 Points

18) Toxicroak 12 points

19) Numel 11 Points

20) Makuhita and Sawsbuck 10 Points (bonus chance)

22) Deerling 9 points

23) Medicham, Manaphy and Sableye 6 points

26) Munchlax 5 points

27) Shieldon 3 points

28) Unown, Slurpuuff, Shellos, Nincada, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr and Huntail 0 points

The next 34 Pokemon in round 1 are


#544 Whirlipede

#518 Musharna

#132 Ditto

#562 Yamask

#714 Noibat

#187 Hoppip

#104 Cubone

#102 Exeggcute

#509 Purrloin

#557 Dwebble

#200 Misdreavus

#620 Mienshao

#469 Yanmega

#427 Buneary

#140 Kabuto

#478 Frosslass

#192 Sunflora

#663 Talonflame

#401 Kricketot

#103 Exeggutor

#247 Pupitar

#608 Lampent

#436 Bronzor

#621 Druddigon

#590 Foongus

#393 Piplup

#69 Bellsprout

#598 Ferrothorn

#550 Basculin

#398 Staraptor

#319 Sharpedo

#429 Mismagius

#299 Nosepass

#324 Torkoal

Remember you are only voting for 10 of the above 34 pokemon you want to advance

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Around the Network

10p Staraptor
9p Talonflame
8p Bellsprout
7p Hoppip
6p Mismagius
5p Misdreavus
4p Sharpedo
3p Pupitar
2p Kabuto
1p Cubone

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

10p Staraptor
9p Talonflame
8p Sharpedo
7p Piplup
6p Mismagius
5p Frosslass
4p Mienshao
3p Cubone
2p Torkoal
1p Yanmega

Mar1217 said:
10p Cubone
9p Sharpedo
8p Ditto
7p Staraptor
6p Talonflamme
5p Exeggutor
4p Druddigon
3p Piplup
2p Bellsprout
1p Ditto

You posted ditto twice

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

10p Cubone
9p Torkoal
8p Talonflame
7p Noibat
6p Sharpedo
5p Pupitar
4p Ferrothorn
3p Yanmega
2p Staraptor
1p Piplup

Around the Network

10p Torkoal
9p Talonflame
8p Misdreavus
7p Sunflora
6p Piplup
5p Frosslass
4p Staraptor
3p Mienshao
2p Yanmega
1p Buneary

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

10p Cubone
9p Piplup
8p Dwebble
7p Talonflame
6p Yanmega
5p Bellsprout
4p Sharpedo
3p Torkoal
2p Mienshao
1p Exeggcute


10p Sharpedo
9p Torkoal
8p Kricketot
7p Piplup
6p Whirlipede
5p Musharna
4p Nosepass
3p Buneary
2p Dwebble
1p Kabuto

10p Druddigon
9p Piplup
8p Sharpedo
7p Talonflame
6p Staraptor
5p Yanmega
4p Nosepass
3p Torkoal
2p Mienshao
1p Lampent

Last edited by OTBWY - on 07 December 2018

Next round:

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