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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Would you buy a Switch for a Metroid game by FromSoftware ?

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You would buy a switch for a metroid game by fromsoftware ?

Yes 62 34.07%
No 51 28.02%
i dont know 17 9.34%
i already have a switch 52 28.57%

It seems to me that the Souls games are the closest anyone has gotten to recreating the Metroidvania genre in 3d. So let's say Nintendo taps From Software to make a Metroid game. How do you think that would turn out? and supposing that fromsoftware were working on a metroid game in the souls style and announced at E3 this would generate some interest for you to buy the switch?



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Not the right IP for them. Not everything needs to be really hard or Souls like. I would prefer Retro make Prime 4. I would accept Platinum making a Metroid Game to right where Other M went wrong.(this time with no Miyamoto forced controls)

Metroid is a game about exploration and action at a fast paces gameplay. When it's a series about backtracking it just does not fit Samus to be watching stamina and crap like that. It slows the pace down and that is not Metroid. No keep the Souls junk away from Metroid. Not a good fit. Makes as much sense as a Starfx Warriors game.

From software should make a brutal donkey game game, which is brutally difficult.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

I would rather something along the lines of Super Metroid to be honest. A 2D platformer.
I feel that is still the best game in the franchise.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

SegataSanshiro said:

Not the right IP for them. Not everything needs to be really hard or Souls like. I would prefer Retro make Prime 4. I would accept Platinum making a Metroid Game to right where Other M went wrong.(this time with no Miyamoto forced controls)

Metroid is a game about exploration and action at a fast paces gameplay. When it's a series about backtracking it just does not fit Samus to be watching stamina and crap like that. It slows the pace down and that is not Metroid. No keep the Souls junk away from Metroid. Not a good fit. Makes as much sense as a Starfx Warriors game.

From doesn't just make Souls games.

Metoid Prime wasn't "action at a fast pace," so From would be no worse than Retro.

Platinum isn't good at designing levels. Metroid only matters because of well-designed levels.

From doesn't just make Souls games.

Stamina does nothing to pace.

Souls games are all about backtracking.

From doesn't just make Souls games.

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Just put the Metroid Prime team back on it...

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Qwark said:
From software should make a brutal donkey game game, which is brutally difficult.

I'd love a hell mode with no Diddy, no items, one heart only, and a time limit on boss levels. make it as frustrating as possible.

spemanig said:
SegataSanshiro said:

Not the right IP for them. Not everything needs to be really hard or Souls like. I would prefer Retro make Prime 4. I would accept Platinum making a Metroid Game to right where Other M went wrong.(this time with no Miyamoto forced controls)

Metroid is a game about exploration and action at a fast paces gameplay. When it's a series about backtracking it just does not fit Samus to be watching stamina and crap like that. It slows the pace down and that is not Metroid. No keep the Souls junk away from Metroid. Not a good fit. Makes as much sense as a Starfx Warriors game.

From doesn't just make Souls games.

Metoid Prime wasn't "action at a fast pace," so From would be no worse than Retro.

Platinum isn't good at designing levels. Metroid only matters because of well-designed levels.

From doesn't just make Souls games.

Stamina does nothing to pace.

Souls games are all about backtracking.

From doesn't just make Souls games.

OP references Souls in relation to making Metroid. Yes I know what they make. Do you own Frame Gride or Otogi? I do oh and 3D Dot Games Heroes. OP wants a Souls Metroid however.

The best Metroid of all time was developed by Nintendo. I want it to be developed by them. If it's going to be Metroid Prime 4, it has to be Retro/Nintendo again. No one else.

I'd be intrested to see that. From (at least the team that worked on Darksouls 1 and Bloodborne) are masterful level designers in a way that actually really reminds me of Metroid.

But it shouldn't just be a souls game with a Metroid coat of paint, it would have to be true Metroid, maybe with a few Souls influences.