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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Cater To The Lowest Common Denominator?

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One guy bought a regular PS4 and the other bought a Pro. If his console can't play 60fps online, fuck him. Tell him to step his game up.


People claimed Xbox 360 held back PS3 games last gen. Fuck them. Maybe Xbox One is holding back PS4. Maybe regular Xbox One is holding back Xbox One S. I don't know. But why should we superior hardware havers have to settle for weaker games because you people who are used to "the old ways" won't upgrade? You're holding us back.


Okay. I don't really feel this way. But what if I did? How would you feel about being caught in an arms trace against people who own the same brand/games as you?

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d21lewis said:

One guy bought a regular PS4 and the other bought a Pro. If his console can't play 60fps online, fuck him. Tell him to step his game up.


People claimed Xbox 360 held back PS3 games last gen. Fuck them. Maybe Xbox One is holding back PS4. Maybe regular Xbox One is holding back Xbox One S. I don't know. But why should we superior hardware havers have to settle for weaker games because you people who are used to "the old ways" won't upgrade? You're holding us back.


Okay. I don't really feel this way. But what if I did? How would you feel about being caught in an arms trace against people who own the same brand/games as you?

are you sure? :P


Because we have money to burn. Cater to me.


Hey! They got SONY on my amiibo! Wait a minute. Two great gaming tastes that game great together!

Switch FC: SW-0398-8858-1969

SonytendoAmiibo said:
Because we have money to burn. Cater to me.

Makes sense to me.

I guess we should all apologize for not being rich?

Edit: As for the question on the topic itself: Because appealing to the most common denominator is what makes them money? thats how the market - any market - works?

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No need to complain when higher-spec rigs ARE showing higher performance.

The current situation is much LESS performance delta than cross-gen PS3/4 games.
Whether we consider Pro vs OG-spec PS4, PS4 vs PS3, PC vs Consoles,
If the low-spec mass market is removed, there would be that much less games released, period.
It's not as if by excluding the lower-spec mass market, the higher-spec machines will 
suddenly be able to pull off miracles of peformance beyond what they can on mass market games.

Kickstarter et al actually allow the small high-spec market to crowdfund games excluding low-spec.
Except nobody does so, because they would always get more funding for more ambitious game
by conceding to also target lower spec machines still able to run the game at some level.
Or do you think high-spec owners are gladly going to fork over $400 for an exclusively "high spec" game?
(when they can pay the standard rate for a regular game that they get superior high FX experience of)

Obviously at a certain level, significantly lower specs ARE ultimately excluded (PS3, min-spec for PCs etc)
One might then assume the current level of varying spec support is market driven to maximize results.

Because gamemakers need as big userbase as possible.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Fairly simple answer.

The game patch for the upgraded res/fps etc, costs $5, per game, and stays at that price for good. If you can spend the extra cash on the better console, you can spend the extra on the games as well. Now the devs have all the reason in the world to make a low and med/high setting to fit everyones needs.

If you don't have enough extra to spend $5 on the patch, then you need a serious wake up call and attitude adjustment, period. Its like trading in your sports car for the new model, and getting the upgraded engine package at the same time. Well when you find out the oil they use is the same generic stuff, to bad so sad. You want the better oil, you can pay for that upgrade. You want the better washer fluid that will never ever freeze, pay for the upgrade. The average person don't need those fancy extra's and doesn't want to pay for them and shouldn't have to.

There is also always the option that all the rich gamers can subsidize the poor gamers so everyone can upgrade. While that would solve the problem as well, thats never gunna happen.

DonFerrari said:
Because gamemakers need as big userbase as possible.

Well it's true.

DonFerrari said it pretty much perfectly.

If developers are going to make games that cater specifically to the more powerful consoles, then they're going to be cutting out a vast number of potential customers.

You chose to buy that new platform knowing what support was on the horizon for it and knowing that it only offered slight upgrades compared to what you already had, you took that risk.