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No need to complain when higher-spec rigs ARE showing higher performance.

The current situation is much LESS performance delta than cross-gen PS3/4 games.
Whether we consider Pro vs OG-spec PS4, PS4 vs PS3, PC vs Consoles,
If the low-spec mass market is removed, there would be that much less games released, period.
It's not as if by excluding the lower-spec mass market, the higher-spec machines will 
suddenly be able to pull off miracles of peformance beyond what they can on mass market games.

Kickstarter et al actually allow the small high-spec market to crowdfund games excluding low-spec.
Except nobody does so, because they would always get more funding for more ambitious game
by conceding to also target lower spec machines still able to run the game at some level.
Or do you think high-spec owners are gladly going to fork over $400 for an exclusively "high spec" game?
(when they can pay the standard rate for a regular game that they get superior high FX experience of)

Obviously at a certain level, significantly lower specs ARE ultimately excluded (PS3, min-spec for PCs etc)
One might then assume the current level of varying spec support is market driven to maximize results.