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curl-6 said:

Success is subjective as there are multiple ways to quantify it; sales, profit, market share, cultural significance, etc.

Considering Switch to already be more successful than the PS2 is a reasonable opinion as while PS2 sold more units, Switch has made far more money.

If we're talking "best selling system ever" then right now its PS2, no question, but "success" is a murkier notion to define.

I agree. But it is normal for a console in nowadays, to be more profit than a console from almost 25 years ago. And you can't really measure which one is more successful because of the different eras, and all the different factors that go with this different eras. My original point was that is wrong to ignore the success of one console, and say it's just because of this and that.

My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart