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HebrewGamer said:

Ok, you win the debate because of a mistype. Xbox came out 1 year later instead of 4. Other than pointing out that mistake you wrote another glob of text gaslighting me and not refuting anything else I said. 

the Switch was more profitable and sold more software than the PS2. I already told you why your 1537M number was wrong. If you don't understand the difference between actual sales numbers and shipping numbers this discussion really wasn't for you.

I suppose there's no point in beating a dead horse, or in this case, a dead pony.

My post if you can't read covered most of your points you made. It's not gaslighting. Also 1537M is not my number. It's Sony official confirmed number and it's for SOLD, not shipped (although even if it was for shipped this also would mean that they already sold to the consumers). This is from 2010 even. So by 2013/2014 when PS2 games were selling that number would only grew. Switch at this moment in time has sold less software and less hardware than PS2. Therefore it's success is still not big as the PS2 if we are talking purely software and hardware numbers. Of course the profits nowadays can be a lot bigger than before. Your original point is wrong though. You can't bash on the success of one console and say it's not valid and give reasons to why. Reason can be found for everything. The only thing that matter is that the success is there. This was my original answer to you. Not PS2 vs Switch.

Soundwave said:

It has the most systems sold yes, but I consider the DS to be the most prolific selling system if you want to put it that way. 

The PS2 only outsold the DS because it was given like 4 more years to sell at bargain basement prices. 

If you give me 7 minutes to jog versus someone else who only has 5 minutes, odds are I'm going to run a longer distance than they can. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm the better long distance runner. 

The DS whupped the PS2's ass to 100 million and beat it again to 150 million. 

The only reason the PS2 has the record is 100% because Nintendo wanted people to buy 3DS' so they cut the DS off. Anyone who's being honest will admit that. Has zero to do with which system was actually more popular. 

DS is then most successful than the Switch too by that logic. And yes I agree, if DS was given 2-3 years more as a major console it would probably otsell the PS2. And no PS2 wasn't given 4 years more. DS just got cut short. Also keep in mind that 100$ back then wasn't exactly bargain basement prices. The 99$ then would be like around 150$ now. DS and 3DS both were selling somewhere around that price in their last years too. The DS whooped the PS2 ass to 100M but so did whopped the ass to the Switch too. Also your last reason is valid for pretty much all the consoles out there. If the companies didn't have other competition they would be in a hurry and every console in history could be sold for at least few years more.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 13 June 2024

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