Mnementh on 06 December 2023
S.Peelman said:
After yesterday's outage we're missing a day, so hopefully with these hints the last three of this batch will be easier. #29: This game features a rather original solution to prevent you from going out of bounds as you'll just get blown away halfway across the map if you try. Hint 2: This happens in two of the game modes, which feature a big open desert area for you to drive in, when you ride up the steep cliffs on the edges and actually manage to reach the top. Hint 3: The main mode though is just about you racing against opponents on tracks in a stadium. These have a tile-based layout, and there's a great editor that easily lets you make your own tracks for this mode. #27: Though this is technically made by another company, it was branded by its publisher as part of a well-known, wider series where each game's name has a certain prefix. Hint 2: That series deals with a whole bunch of themes; like ants, earth and cities. Hint 3: While those all have wider, more zoomed out theme, my game just deals with a single building. #26: Try to keep your units away from the 'inquisitors', they're relentless and basically always win. Hint 2: Even your highest ranking family members aren't really safe, especially if you aren't sufficiently catholic. I guess it's because of those inquisitors' high 'piety'. Hint 3: They are actually agents of the AI controlled Papal States, and trying to assassinate one to save yourself can be risky, because failure will severely damage you standing with the Pope, and you wouldn't want that. |
#27: Uh SimTower. I saw Maxis there in when I looked the Sim games up, but apparently Maxis acted only as publisher for that game.
3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)
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