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Akvod said:
You can't define trolling as whatever you want. It's very disturbing to see that an OP can define trolling as a negative opinion and that the moderating team would ban people for that.

I give another example: I have a thread for people to gather for playing the upcoming MH3U together online. If people would come in and claim MH3U looks shit I would be upset. If I make a post claiming MH3U is great (or that I think MH3U is great) and people come in and say MH3U looks like shit I would disagree but not be upset. What is the difference?

First is a service for some readers of VGC that are interested in it. Same with JayWoods thread about the XBL-offering. People coming in to criticise the game/the service/the console are destroying the service offered by the thread for users interested in it. These people don't care, because they don't own the game/the service/the console in the first place. That is rude. That is like scratching cars of others.

Second example is offering an opinion for discussion. If others post differing opinions that the point of the thread in the first place.

If you can't see the distinction (and many other posters too) that is a bad sign for discussion-culture on VGC.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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