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Forums - Politics Discussion - Reported hijab attack on an 11-year-old girl did not happen - Fake News?

I saw the story and had a feeling something was up. The little girl was having a hard time getting it out, and not like she was scared to say it either. Almost like she couldn't remember what to say exactly.

Liberals are getting desperate in Canada now. This is really sad for our own news. The anchor who's always questioning the Liberals and asking the tough questions has clearly backed off as of late. Can't wait until we get back to a Conservative Gov. Wynne is done. Trudeau still stands a chance, for now.

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Rayban99 said:

Leftist media has been desperately pandering to any group that could be used as anti-conservative votes for the past year. It's hilarious that they have the gay community defending Islam. A religion that will literally imprison and kill them if it ever becomes the law of the land.

I think the thing to take away from this is "law of the land." No religion should ever become "law."

I think we should be evaluating how each of us read the news, as the original stories also indicated that it was under investigation and not fact, and those same networks later reported that is was false. 

Liberal or Conservative, we need to expect more of our news. Cable news is by far the worst, with MSNBC and Fox News tripping over each other to put our the most sensationalist nonsense - Left and Right.

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LadyJasmine said:
The issue is not the kid, its is how easily the media turned this into an international stroy without any fact checking to push islamaphobia narrative ^^^

How is this fake news?

It wasn't based on heresay by someone who wasn't an active part of the story and they didn't say that her story was true. They just said that the girl claimed that it happened. Which is 100% true.
Furthermore they updated the story on every single article about this topic after the police decided that she lied.

If someone said that something happened that didnt than yes. It is??? What is this for a Question?

Barozi said:
LadyJasmine said:
The issue is not the kid, its is how easily the media turned this into an international stroy without any fact checking to push islamaphobia narrative ^^^

How is this fake news?

It wasn't based on heresay by someone who wasn't an active part of the story and they didn't say that her story was true. They just said that the girl claimed that it happened. Which is 100% true.
Furthermore they updated the story on every single article about this topic after the police decided that she lied.

Its why the news should be news and not a gossip show.

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Whether this particular story is true or not, the US seems to love treating minority groups like doodoo. Happy MLK day people. Let’s not forget that the US war of independence was fought by rich slave owners who didn’t want to pay tax against a British government that had outlawed slavery and had just introduced universal education.

It’s weird that supposedly Christian country is so full of despicable people, who even deny basic things like free healthcare to the poor. I can only imagine what Jesus would think of it.

It isn't news if you don't report on it while it's ongoing. If the police is on the hunt for a serial killer, you don't wait until the serial killer has been caught, the police have gathered evidence, and he's been convicted guilty in a court before you report on it. It would have been fake news if the claim originated from the media, but they reported what someone else said. That's not fake news. It's reporting about someone else's false claim.

Aeolus451 said:
Puppyroach said:

You are referencing an article that clearly states that police confirms that the attack did not happen, so I don´t get the issue? Yes, media outlets should always be cautious about all storys they get, and report if the news are incorrect. 

And using the term "Fake news" - this is a soundbite term mostly used by an orange president to knock down on every news he does not like, independent of its correctness. Can we just skip using such a simplistic term promoted by a reality star?

First of all, it was the news or Hillary that first start using that term. I think that it was right after the election when they tried to say trump won because of "fake news" being circulated on facebook. A lot of the right thought that the term was ironic. The news doesn't like the term so much now.

The issue is that the story became international news overnight without them checking into it. They're too invested in this little war of theirs and it's making them look stupid.

I know, therefore I used the sentence "mostly used by an orange president". Just because Clinton started using the term doesn't make it more valid or less connected to Trump and the way he uses it.

What "war" are they invested in? What is the basis for the assumption that media in general jumps unto false stories just because the involve Muslims? 

LadyJasmine said:
The issue is not the kid, its is how easily the media turned this into an international stroy without any fact checking to push islamaphobia narrative ^^^

Isn't that true for all media outlets. Some try to push islamophobia and some try to push against it, so the terrible journalists will jump on anything that furthers their narrative. Like that Adelaide local news station jumping on an alleged GTA clone based on Adelaide to further their silly "vidya gaemz are bad" narrative.

And while there are a lot of terrible terrible journalists and whole channels dedicated to spread lies I doubt this "fake news" debate matters at all when the biggest lie factory of the world is the US President. Lying with every second sentence is presidential now so if anything we should embrace fake news.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Rayban99 said:

Leftist media has been desperately pandering to any group that could be used as anti-conservative votes for the past year. It's hilarious that they have the gay community defending Islam. A religion that will literally imprison and kill them if it ever becomes the law of the land.
