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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Rumor: Microsoft Has 2-3 New IPs in development. One similar to HZD, and one by Capcom.

Also a few months ago a job listing was posted for a MS game similar to HZD

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Nice.... The more new ips the better for MS

Praise the One.

So is it 2 or 3 lol

Some sort of Wolf game?

Nogamez said:
So is it 2 or 3 lol

He probably heard about the HZD type game and the Capcom wolf game and another game but maybe the info on the other game isn't much so he's not confident in straight out saying 3 games.

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Cool, hopefully they make something I'll be interested in, as most of their games this gen haven't quite appealed to me. The only ones that appealed to my interests were Quantum Break and Recore, and neither turned out all that well when I played them. 

I'm sure this information has come from a PS interview where he stated this, I'm sure it was posted on this site? Or am I making this up?

Edit: Ah never mind

He said he signed off on exclusive and they'd be ready ing 2-3 years. That's where the number '2-3' got stuck in my head. 

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

Okami 2?

Well.... they tried to work on something similar to uncharted and failed. Let them work on something else. Sadly another project similar to Sony. Dudes need to get their own philosophy.

The Horizon game will most likely be a release for the next Xbox console. Horizon was a huge project for Guerilla Games, IIRC they were working on it for many years.

The Capcom game could be very interesting. Maybe a Beat 'em up or something like Deep Down (nevermind, DD hasn't even released on the PS4 how could they work on something similar on Xbox One lol).