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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Switch Pros and Cons

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Jranation said:
My only con is the price............ The games I want are there, its just the price.

Yeah, problem is that the price kinda poisons everything else. I think people would forgive everything else if it was $200 or $250.

Anyway, for me:

Pros -
Region-free, bitches!
Two controllers packed in
Breath of the Wild
Super Mario
Mario Kart
Xenoblade 2
No More Heroes
Fire Emblem
Project Octopath
Ultra Street Fighter II
Japanese 3rd party support in general

Everything costs so damn much!
Online paywall
No Sports game

2 things; I like how positive you are! Especially seeing the joy-cons as getting two controllers :D Aaaaand, you're getting Fifa ;) That's sports

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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The only actual con for me is the acessories price and the online service, in the sense of the games offered.The service could still change or/and we didnt see the full picture, so Im still optimistic, and for the rest of the other cons we still didnt hear everything, so Im holding judgement.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Bandorr said:
DanneSandin said:

So, one strange thing? How does that make the entire list odd? :P I'm just glad to see SOME 3rd party games on the Switch, since Nintendo did a piss poor job of high lighting them.

I second that!

Actually I could have listed off a lot of strange things - just trying to be nice :p

There are so many negative Nintendo threads I didn't want to actually contribute by pointing out all my issues. So I went with my number one concern - the extremely over priced controller.

I guess all the negativity reflects the fact that Nintendo did something wrong, and I don't know what it is. The major complaints I have barely affects me anyways; I might buy ONE pro controller, and probably not more joy-cons, so it's not like I'll be wasting a fortune on accessories. I don't ever play games online; maybe I've played Mario Kart Wii online like, one night or something like that. So paying for online doesn't really affect me. But I think it's Nintendo's philosophy in general that irks me right now.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

DanneSandin said:

No Miiverse or Streetpass, why are these features missing?!


 Do you know what their replacements are? Could we be getting something new and significantly better?

DanneSandin said:



Paid online, sucks but expected

 I don't think many people "expected" this. Do we know what the new service is? I'm guessing it's been revamped and DeNA had a hand in this.

DanneSandin said:

BAD online service; renting a S/NES game for month and forced to use a secondery smart device for voice chat and inviting to game sessions is just BAD!

Again how do we know this bad? How do we know that is the way it's going to work. Did you try it out, have you seen a demonstration? You're assuming things again.


We have a brand new President of Nintendo and people are assuming and expecting that he's going to run everything Iwata did in the past 10 year. Un-fucking-believable. Iwata DID NOT run things like Yamauchi did. Give Kimishima a chance and wipe your mind clear from everything you think you knew. This is a new era of Nintendo.

Also it's confirmed more things will be revealed in the coming weeks. The Switch was delayed so it would launch with a lot of games and one of their biggest launch line ups to date. Those were Kimishima's words and I doubt 4 or 5 games qualifies as a huge launch line up.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Jranation said:
My only con is the price............ The games I want are there, its just the price.

Yeah, problem is that the price kinda poisons everything else. I think people would forgive everything else if it was $200 or $250.

Anyway, for me:

Pros -
Region-free, bitches!
Two controllers packed in
Breath of the Wild
Super Mario
Mario Kart
Xenoblade 2
No More Heroes
Fire Emblem
Project Octopath
Ultra Street Fighter II
Japanese 3rd party support in general

Everything costs so damn much!
Online paywall
No Sports game

Do you have a link to where it says there will be a new No More Heroes game?

The translator was on drugs or something, so I didnt understand anything. I got that Travis Touchdown will appear on the Switch and that he will make cameos in indie games.

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Many are commenting on pricing and I get that but here is an idea I'd like to share with you so long as you are willing to be without your Wii U for 7 weeks.  I pre-ordered the Switch yesterday and traded in my Wii U, 5 games and a pro controller at EB Games / Gamestop.  I got 300$ in trade in value with their current promotion (double value on all traded items) for getting the Switch.  So looking at it that way, it was quite the deal for me and could be for many others that want a Switch at a more reasonable price.  It will end up costing me 100$ plus taxes.





"Yes sir, I need a weapon."

Jay W

KLXVER said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Yeah, problem is that the price kinda poisons everything else. I think people would forgive everything else if it was $200 or $250.

Anyway, for me:

Pros -
Region-free, bitches!
Two controllers packed in
Breath of the Wild
Super Mario
Mario Kart
Xenoblade 2
No More Heroes
Fire Emblem
Project Octopath
Ultra Street Fighter II
Japanese 3rd party support in general

Everything costs so damn much!
Online paywall
No Sports game

Do you have a link to where it says there will be a new No More Heroes game?

The translator was on drugs or something, so I didnt understand anything. I got that Travis Touchdown will appear on the Switch and that he will make cameos in indie games.

Unfortunately, no. I'm just assuming it will be a new No More Heroes. I can change that to "Suda51 game."

The pro is that it has Nintendo games. The con is that it's weak as shit. But what else is new for a Nintendo console.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
The pro is that it has Nintendo games. The con is that it's weak as shit. But what else is new for a Nintendo console.

Pretty much. Really the only pro and con. 


vivster said:
The pro is that it has Nintendo games. The con is that it's weak as shit. But what else is new for a Nintendo console.

Well would you rather have PS4 level graphics with 20 minute battery life?