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DanneSandin said:

No Miiverse or Streetpass, why are these features missing?!


 Do you know what their replacements are? Could we be getting something new and significantly better?

DanneSandin said:



Paid online, sucks but expected

 I don't think many people "expected" this. Do we know what the new service is? I'm guessing it's been revamped and DeNA had a hand in this.

DanneSandin said:

BAD online service; renting a S/NES game for month and forced to use a secondery smart device for voice chat and inviting to game sessions is just BAD!

Again how do we know this bad? How do we know that is the way it's going to work. Did you try it out, have you seen a demonstration? You're assuming things again.


We have a brand new President of Nintendo and people are assuming and expecting that he's going to run everything Iwata did in the past 10 year. Un-fucking-believable. Iwata DID NOT run things like Yamauchi did. Give Kimishima a chance and wipe your mind clear from everything you think you knew. This is a new era of Nintendo.

Also it's confirmed more things will be revealed in the coming weeks. The Switch was delayed so it would launch with a lot of games and one of their biggest launch line ups to date. Those were Kimishima's words and I doubt 4 or 5 games qualifies as a huge launch line up.