It's more than Sonic Boom!
If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.
The fact that Sonic Boom sold over 50% percent of what Bayonetta 2 sold is an abomination, get your priorities straight Wii U fanbase. Lol
Oh and that Sonic Boom also almost sold as much as Driveclub in the US is also horrible, buy Driveclub US PS4 owners. :p
The game is still 400k at worst, not that bad. We´ll see if seells another 400k on 2015, it´s possible.
Wii U owners need to buy better game. Very sad news. But I am not surprised by this.
Ryng_Tolu said: So, now is confirmed? |
It was always "confirmed", people just didn't want to believe it and ioi didn't bother adjusting.
Ryng_Tolu said: So, now is confirmed? |
This time, the leak is from creamsugar,so yeah!
This is why third parties who opt to work with Nintendo of their own accord should step back from Nintendo until Nintendo creates a profitable grounds for them while being a third party for Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft have been doing it for years, and Nintendo had in the past. The problem with Nintendo doing that in the past is they had control over third parties back then. Everyone had to do everything their way. I will buy this game when I get my Wii U but Nintendo deserves this.
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